Work with graphics and images in InDesign | برامج Adobe InDesign التدريبية
Learn the basics of working with images in Adobe InDesign CC, including adding images to your documents, transforming images, working with image linking, wrapping text around images, and more.

Add graphics to your project

Learn how to place graphics into your documents using the Place command.

What you learned: Add graphics to projects

In InDesign, you can bring raster images, like an image you take with your phone, or vector graphics, like a logo, into your documents:

  1. Choose File > Place to place a graphic (or multiple graphics) in your document. 
  2. Click Open. If a frame was selected before placing, the graphic is placed within the frame. You can also click to place a graphic into an existing empty frame or create a frame as you place a graphic.
  3. With the Selection tool in the toolbox, drag a corner point of a graphic frame to resize the frame and to reveal or hide parts of the image. 
  4. Drag within the graphic area (not the center) to reposition the graphic and the frame.

Move, resize, and fit graphics

Transform graphics in your InDesign documents.

What you learned: Transform graphics and frames

  1. With the Selection tool, click a graphic to select it. Drag a corner to resize the frame, not the graphic, hiding or revealing parts of the graphic.
  2. Press Control+Shift (Windows) or Command+Shift (macOS) and drag a corner to resize the frame and the graphic within.
  3. Move the pointer into the center of a frame, and a disc-shaped circle appears, called the Content Grabber. Click the Content Grabber to select the graphic within the frame. Any transformations such as resizing or rotating will now apply to the graphic and not the frame. Press the Escape key to select the graphic frame again.
  4. Flip graphics horizontally or vertically, or rotate them, by changing values in the Transform section of the Properties panel.
  5. Apply fitting commands to selected graphics by selecting a fitting command in the Properties panel to achieve a perfect fit.

Learn about linked graphics

Explore graphic linking using the Links panel.

What you learned: Graphic linking

Graphics placed in InDesign are linked by default to the original file outside InDesign. If a placed graphic is updated outside InDesign — in Adobe Photoshop CC for instance — the graphic is automatically updated in InDesign.

  1. Choose Window > Links to see a list of all the graphic files placed in a document in the Links panel. Each linked graphic is listed in the Links panel along with the number of the page it’s on.
  2. Select an image in the Links panel and click the Go To Link button to select the image.
  3. Click the Relink button with a graphic selected in the list and navigate to a replacement image. Any transformations performed in InDesign are preserved.

When you open a document with missing or modified graphics, a dialog box appears.

  • In the Links panel, a graphic with a stop sign means it’s missing. To fix this issue, select the graphic in the Links panel, and click the Relink button at the bottom of the panel or click the Relink File button in the Properties panel.
  • A graphic with a yellow yield sign icon indicates it has been modified. To fix this issue, select the graphic in the Links panel, and click the Update Link button at the bottom of the Links panel or click the Update File button towards the bottom of the Properties panel.

Wrap text around objects

Discover how to wrap text around content using the Text Wrap panel.

What you learned: Wrap text

You can wrap text around any object, including text frames, graphics, and objects you draw in InDesign. Text wrap is applied to the object being wrapped, not the text itself:

  1. With the Selection tool, select the object you want to wrap text around. 
  2. In the Properties panel, click the desired wrap option.


Back to: Format text | Up next: Apply color and effects


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Presenter: Brian Wood

Designer: Martin Hoang

Designer: Erica Larson