Adobe Journey Optimizer - B2B Edition | Product Description

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Effective as of 29 January, 2025

What is Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition

Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition, built on Adobe Experience Platform, is a B2B customer journey orchestration application that enables marketing and sales teams to act as a coordinated revenue team and engage buying groups in target accounts with personalized, AI-powered content that drives demand for specific product and service offerings with higher precision.

Products and Services
License Metric
Journey Optimizer B2B Edition
Per 1,000 Engageable Businessperson Profiles
License Metric


  1. Engageable Businessperson Audience. Customer may store and process up to the number of Engageable Businessperson Profiles authorized in the Sales Order.
  2. Adobe AI Assistant for Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition

AI Assistant – Product Knowledge. Customer must have the required licensing terms in place with Adobe to access to AI Assistant – Product Knowledge. AI Assistant – Product Knowledge uses Microsoft Azure OpenAI (“AOAI”). Use of AOAI through Adobe is separate and distinct from any direct accounts or usage of AOAI that Customer may have negotiated directly. Customer may consume up to the number of Generative Actions specified in the package functionality set forth in the Generative Actions usage consumption and package tables below.

AI Assistant – Content Accelerator. Customer must have the required licensing terms in place with Adobe to access AI Assistant – Content Accelerator. AI Assistant – Content Accelerator uses Microsoft Azure OpenAI (“AOAI”) for text generation and Adobe Firefly for image generation. Use of AOAI through Adobe is separate and distinct from any direct accounts or usage of AOAI that Customer may have negotiated directly. Image generation in AI Assistant – Content Accelerator is separate and distinct from any license Entitlements Customer may have for Adobe Firefly and Generative Credits and Generative Actions are not cumulative across Entitlements. Customer may consume up to the number of Generative Actions specified in the package functionality set forth in the Generative Actions usage consumption and package tables below.

Generative Action entitlements are on an annual basis and do not carry over into subsequent year(s) of the License Term (or any renewal term thereafter). Except as otherwise specified, Generative Action entitlements are not transferable or usable in other Products and Services. If Customer exceeds its Generative Action entitlement, Customer must purchase additional Generative Actions upon the anniversary of Customer’s License Term Start Date at the pricing set out in the Sales Order unless otherwise agreed by Adobe and the Customer.

Generative Actions usage consumption table for AI Assistant:

AI Assistant  Generative AI Capability Generative Action(s) Consumed*
Product Knowledge 0
Operational Insights 0
Content Accelerator
HTML Email Generation 5
Content Accelerator Message (SMS/Push) Generation 5

*No Generative Action(s) are used if (1) the Input and/or Output are classified as out of scope; and/or (2) the Input and/or Output are blocked by content moderation filters.

Generative Action Entitlements for AI Assistant by Package and Engageable Businessperson Profile Tier:

Engageable Businessperson Profile Tier Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition – Generative Actions
0 - 100,000
100,000 - 200,000
200,000 - 500,000
500,000 - 1M
1M - 5M
5M - 10M
10M+ 30,000

Scoping Parameters

  1. Average Profile Richness. Customer’s Average Profile Richness may be less than or equal to 75 kilobytes per Addressable Profile.

Performance Guardrails

  1. Frequency of Account and Profile Updates. Account and Profile updates are refreshed from Adobe Experience Platform into Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition on a 24-hour cycle.
  2. Person Update Throughput from RTCDP. Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition can process up to 5,000 updates per minute for Profiles that contain up to 50 standard descriptive fields.
  3. Account Update Throughput from RTCDP. Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition can process up to 5,000 updates per minute for Account Profiles that contain up to 50 standard descriptive fields.
  4. Channel Limits.
    1. SMS Send Rate: Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition supports the delivery of SMS messages at a rate of 2,000 per second.
    2. Email Send Rate: Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition supports the delivery of emails at a maximum rate of 5 million per hour, 20 million per day, and 80 million per week.
    3. Email Size: Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition supports the delivery of emails at a size of up to 1MB per email.
    4. Email Reporting Records: Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition supports up to 10 billion email reporting records. The maximum amount of records that can be imported at one time (via list import or API import) is 100,000.
  5. Profiles and Account Journeys
    1. Customer’s account journeys can support 40,000,000 simultaneous Profiles and 5,000,000 cumulative and simultaneous Account Profiles.

Static Limits

  1. Database Limits.
    1. The maximum amount of Account Profiles as a Shared Feature is 5,000,000.
    2. The maximum amount of Profiles as a Shared Feature is 40,000,000.
    3. The frequency of updates for Account Profiles and Profiles is daily.
  2. Audience and Profile Limits. Customer’s count of Account Profiles must be equal to or less than the Engageable Businessperson Audience described above. If and to the extent Customer's count of Account Profiles is greater than the Engageable Businessperson Audience, Customer will be obligated to pay for such excess Account Profiles as if such Account Profiles were Engageable Businessperson Profiles.
  3. Journey Limits.
    1. The maximum amount of Engageable Businessperson Profiles per Account Profile that can be included in an Account Journey is 1,000.
    2. The maximum amount of Account Profiles per Account Segment that can be included in an Account Journey is 100,000.
    3. The maximum amount of total Engageable Businessperson Profiles that can be included in an Account Journey is 1,000,000.
    4. The maximum total Engageable Businessperson Profiles that can be included in all Account Journeys is 40,000,000.
    5. The maximum amount of nodes per Account Journey is 500.
    6. The maximum number of Account Journeys that can be active at any one time is 100.
  4. Buying Group Limits.
    1. The maximum number of Engageable Businessperson Profiles included in a Buying Group is 1,000.
    2. The maximum number of Solution Interests that can be simultaneously supported by Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition is 100. The maximum amount of Solution Interests that are maintained for automatically updating Buying Groups is 20.
  5. Channel Limits.
    1. SMS Message Size: Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition supports the delivery of SMS messages containing up to 1600 characters per such message.
  6. Adobe Experience Manager Repositories. Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition can connect to one Adobe Experience Manager Repository.
  7. Insights and Analytics. Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition supports providing performance reports for email and SMS messages for the prior 90 days.
  8. Adobe AI Assistant for Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition: Subject to applicable Entitlements, Adobe AI Assistant for Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition can process up to 1,000,000 questions per year, and a maximum of 500 words per question.

If and to the extent that Customer is not separately purchasing the Marketo Engage On-demand Service, the following product limitations shall also apply to the limited Marketo Engage functionality provided to Customer required to effectuate Customer’s use of Adobe Journey Optimizer: B2B Edition:

Scoping Parameters

  1. Customer shall have access to one (1) Marketo Engage software environment Customer that can be used for development and experimenting with Marketo Engage features independently of Customer’s real marketing activities, training, quality assurance, and testing.
  2. The Marketo Engage production instance shall be capable of processing 50,000 daily API Calls, 2,000,000 Custom Object Records, 175,000,000 Activities over a rolling seven-day period (with a single-day maximum of 100,000,000 Activities), 1,000,000,000 Program Membership Records.

Static Limits

  1. Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition supports up to 10 billion email reporting records. The maximum amount of such records that can be imported at one time (via list import or API import) is 100,000.
  2. Custom Objects and Custom Object Records.
    1. The maximum number of Custom Object Records is 250,000,000. The maximum number of Custom Objects is 50, and each Custom Object can support up to 100 fields.
  3. Size Limitations.
    1. The maximum size of any image or file uploaded into the On-demand Services is 100 MB. The maximum size of any landing page or email is 65 KB.
  4. API Calls.
    1. Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition supports up to 800,000 API Calls per day (with a maximum of 300 per 20-second period), and 30 concurrent API Calls. This quantity may be increased to up to a maximum 1,200,000 per day upon the purchase thereof by Customer in accordance with the applicable Sales Order.
    2. API Calls regarding Customer’s database of Contacts can include a maximum of 300 Contact records per API Call. API Calls regarding Customer’s marketing and organizational assets can include a maximum of 200 asset records per API Call.
    3. REST API Call payloads can be no larger than 1 MB.


Account Journey means a single collection of Orchestration Objects.

Account Profile means a record of information representing a business as represented in the Profile Service. Data included in an Account Profile may include data related to the business’ attributes. Account Profile volumes are determined based on the default deterministic account Identity Graph in Adobe Experience Platform. Account Profiles are a Shared Feature.

Account Segment means a group of Account Profiles that fit a common set of attributes or filters chosen by Customer using the Segmentation Service.

Activity means any individual piece of information or data point that identifies a person’s engagement or experience through a marketing campaign, such as, but not limited to, opening an email, opening a web page, or filling out a form.

Additional Profile Richness means an increase in Customer’s authorized Average Profile Richness by 25 kilobytes per Addressable Profile per Additional Profile Richness pack.

Add-on(s) means additional product related features that may be licensed by Customer as identified in the Sales Order.

Addressable Audience means the audience of Addressable Profiles. Addressable Audience is a Shared Feature.

Addressable Profiles means the Profiles available in the Profile Service, ready to be activated on using any connected solution. Addressable Profiles are a Shared Feature.

Adobe Experience Platform means an open and extensible collection of services that allows Customer to create and manage actionable Profiles using various sources across its enterprise and to analyze data to derive insights and drive personalized experiences.

API Call means each request from an external server to a Customer’s instance of the Adobe Marketo Engage On-demand Service to create, retrieve, and remove data in such instance, retrieve and interact with Profile records and associated object types, and interact with Customer marketing collateral and workflow-related records.

Average Non-production Profile Richness means the sum of all data stored within Non-production Sandboxes at any point in time, divided by the number of authorized Non-production Addressable Profiles. Average Non-production Profile Richness is a Shared Feature.

Average Profile Richness means the sum of all data stored within the Profile stores in Adobe Experience Platform (i.e., Profile Service and Identity Service) at any point in time, divided by the number of authorized Addressable Profiles. Average Profile Richness is a Shared Feature.

Batch Segmentation Job means a call to execute the evaluation of defined segments for all existing Profiles, which may be initiated or scheduled via Adobe Experience Platform APIs, the Adobe Experience Platform UI or any integrated solution. Batch Segmentation Jobs are a Shared Feature.

Bundled Services means access to the following limited Adobe Experience Platform services:

  • Data Lake. Customer may access Customer Data in the Data Lake for up to:
    • 7 days solely to facilitate data onboarding into Journey Optimizer, limited Ad Hoc Queries and Data Activation.
  • Query Service. Customer’s right to use Query Service is limited to running Ad Hoc Queries and supports up to 1 concurrent Query Service User and up to 1 concurrently running Ad Hoc Query for the purpose of data ingestion validation.

Businessperson Profile means a Directly Identifiable Person Profile (a) that includes connection(s) to an Account Profile or an Opportunity, or (b) for which “company” name or field in the standard data model is populated.

Buying Group means a feature of Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition consisting of the following:

  • Solution Interest means a product, service, or list of products and services that a marketer is targeting to sell.
  • Account Audience means a target list of Account Profiles and Engageable Businessperson Profiles to which the marketer is seeking to sell the Solution Interest.
  • Role Templates means the roles and responsibilities assigned by Customer to members of the Account Audience.

Contact means a single record of a person in Customer’s instance of the Adobe Marketo Engage On-demand Service database for whom Customer has a point of contact (email, Facebook, Twitter, physical mailing address, etc.).

Custom Object means a Customer-created attribute or identifier that can be assigned to a Contact, consisting of a name, description, and field(s).

Custom Object Record means each record in the Adobe Marketo Engage database for which a Custom Object has been attributed to a Contact.

Data Lake means the analytical data store within Adobe Experience Platform.

Directly Identifiable Information means information that can be used to directly identify an individual person, including Stable Identifiers.

Directly Identifiable Profile means a merged Profile that includes Directly Identifiable Information.

Engageable Audience means the audience of Engageable Businessperson Profiles.

Engageable Businessperson Profile means any Businessperson Profile ingested from Adobe Real-time Customer Data Platform into Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition.

Entitlements means usage limits that are strictly monitored and enforced by Adobe. Should Customer exceed an Entitlement, Customer may be obligated to pay overusage fees or license additional capacity.

Generation means each time Customer interacts, such as by providing Input, with a Generative AI Feature and receives a response. Generations may be done actively (e.g., by entering a query, clicking “generate” or “re-generate,” or other similar action), or may be done automatically by a process set up by a User.

Generative AI Feature is defined within the Specific Licensing Terms for Adobe Experience Cloud Generative Artificial Intelligence Features, available at

Generative Action Action means the credit(s) quantifying Customer’s permitted use of a Generative AI Feature through Generation that is licensed in Adobe Journey Optimizer – B2B Edition. Features that affect Generation through separately licensed Products or Services (e.g., features within Adobe Journey Optimizer – B2B Edition) that require a license to Adobe Express or Adobe Firefly to use), use their equivalent of Generative Actions instead (e.g., “Generative Credit” usage within Adobe Firefly). Generative Actions are cumulative (meaning the Generative Actions associated with the AI Assistant capabilities are additive and can be consumed by the Customer based on Customer’s use of the applicable AI Assistant capabilities) across all applicable Adobe Experience Platform-based Products and Services licensed by Customer during the applicable License Term.

Identity Graph means observed relationships between 1 or more identities, which are determined to refer to the same individual.

Identity Service means a service in the Adobe Experience Platform that creates and manages Identity Graphs. Identity Service is a Shared Feature.

Opportunity means a record of information representing a sales opportunity as represented in the Profile Service.

Orchestration Object means an object that can encompass acknowledging a marketing or sales engagement event to progress a member of the Engageable Audience in its marketing journey when such event occurs (or other nodes as defined by Customer), taking a marketing action such as sending an email or changing opportunity scores, or the splitting of an audience path based on filter conditions chosen by Customer.

Performance Guardrails means usage limits that relate to the scoping of Customer’s proposed use case. Should Customer exceed a Performance Guardrail, Customer may experience performance degradation; Adobe will not be responsible for such performance degradation.

Profile means a record of information representing an individual (including Directly Identifiable Profiles and Pseudonymous Profiles) as represented in the Profile Service. Data included in a Profile may include data related to the individual’s attributes, behavior, and segment membership. Profile volumes are determined based on the default deterministic Identity Graph included with Journey Optimizer B2B Edition.

Profile Service means a data store within Adobe Experience Platform where Profiles are created and stored. Profile Service is a Shared Feature.

Program means a single marketing initiative.

Program Membership Record means a data point representing a person’s status within a particular Program.

Pseudonymous Profile means a merged Profile that includes no Directly Identifiable Information.

Query Service means a service in the Adobe Experience Platform that facilitates Customer's use of standard SQL to query and transform data in Adobe Experience Platform. Query Service is a Shared Feature.

Query Service User means any User making an SQL query to Query Service through the Query Service user interface, Journey Optimizer API, or external system any for data analysis or data exploration.

Sandbox means a logical separation within Customer’s instance of any Adobe On-demand Service that accesses Adobe Experience Platform isolating data and operations. Sandboxes can either be used for production purposes or non-production purposes. Sandboxes used for production purposes share the authorized entitlements of the base Journey Optimization production system (measured cumulatively across all of Customer’s Sandboxes used for production purposes). Non-production Sandboxes share the authorized entitlements specified with non-production use cases (measured cumulatively across all of Customer’s authorized Non-production Sandboxes). Sandboxes are a Shared Feature.

Scoping Parameters means usage limits that relate to the scoping of Customer’s licensed use case. Should Customer exceed a Scoping Parameter, Adobe will work with Customer to remedy the issue leading to overusage. Should Customer persistently exceed a Scoping Parameter, Customer may be required to license additional capacity.

Segmentation Service means the service within Adobe Experience Platform that allows Customer to create and manage its Profile segments. Segmentation Service is a Shared Feature.

Shared Feature means a feature or functionality and its associated limitations that are shared (i.e., not additive) across all applicable Adobe Experience Platform-based Products and Services licensed by Customer, which includes Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition. If any of Customer’s other applicable Adobe Experience Platform-based Product and Services provide a higher limitation (either because the base-level limitation is higher or because Customer has licensed an available Add-on), the highest limit will apply to all of Customer’s applicable Adobe Experience Platform-based Products and Services.

SMS (Short Message Service) means a channel which enables Customer to send text messages to mobile devices of Engageable Businessperson Profiles.

Stable Identifier means any identifier other than a cookie ID or device ID.

Static Limit means a usage limit that relates to the technical boundaries of Journey Optimizer. Customer may not modify Static Limits.

Streaming Segmentation means updating segment membership for a Profile as new data enters the Segmentation Service through a streaming flow. Segment membership is evaluated based on the current Profile attributes and the value of the current event, without taking historical behavior into account. Streaming Segmentation is a Shared Feature.

Total Authorized Profile Storage means Total Production Storage plus Total Non-production Storage. Total Authorized Profile Storage is a Shared Feature.

Total Non-production Storage means Average Non-production Profile Richness (including any Add-ons) multiplied by the number of authorized Non-production Profiles. Total Non-production Storage is a Shared Feature.

Total Production Storage means Average Profile Richness (including any Add-ons) multiplied by the number of authorized Profiles. Total Production Storage is a Shared Feature.

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