Starting October 16 2014, three new parameters (Platform, Property, Post ID) are automatically appended to all outbound links that Adobe Social’s publisher tool creates. This update allows us to improve the reporting of social engagement and conversion within one environment.
Adobe Social users who are integrated with Adobe Analytics benefit from this enhancement. Check out the FAQ below to learn more.

What are the new parameters and what information do they collect?
In addition to the existing Social Campaign Code parameter (that is, &adbsc=…), the following three parameters are automatically appended to each outbound link published through the Publisher:
- Platform – Captures the social platform (that is, &adbpl=FB)
- Property – Captures the unique property ID that the social platform creates (that is, &adbpr=12345)
- Post ID – Captures the unique post ID create by the social platform (that is, &adbpi=67890)
See the image above for an example of how the parameters are appended to the URL.
Does this impact any parameters I’ve defined?
No. The addition of these new parameters doesn't change any parameters you have defined. If you have set up custom parameters in Adobe Analytics, they are not affected. The Adobe parameters appear first, followed by your custom parameters.
What if one of these parameters conflicts with a parameter I’ve defined?
There will only be a conflict if you use the exact same parameters. If you think there could be a conflict, contact your Social Account Manager.
How does this help me in my day-to-day analytics?
Customers who are manually linking post engagement data to post-level campaign data see significant reduction in time spent on reporting.
Which reports capture the new information collected by these parameters?
In Adobe Analytics, the Platform, Property, and Post reports under the Social tab can now pull in Campaign Conversion data in addition to the existing listening and engagement data.
For example, you can run a Platforms report that shows Social Mentions & Average Sentiment, next to Likes and Followers next to Visits to your Website from that Platform. In the Post report, you can see Post Impressions alongside revenue driven by this post.
How can I decipher which social post is which? (November release)
To help analysts get a better context of posts in the above Adobe Analytics reports, two new default classifications have been created and will be available with the November 2014 release.
- Post Text—the first 255 characters of the post
- Post Image—a link to the image that was part of the post
If you have any questions, contact your Social Account Manager.