Find and redeem your redemption code

Learn how to use a redemption code to activate your app.

If you purchased your Adobe product from a retailer, reseller, or received it as a gift card, you will need to redeem a redemption code to start using your product.

Where do you find your redemption code?

Your 24-digit redemption code can be found under the silver scratch-off label on product cards, on an insert in a boxed product, or included in the body of an email if you did not purchase a physical product. Depending on how you purchased your product, you may also need a serial number to activate it.

What do you have?


Where’s your code or serial number?

A prepaid card

Prepaid card

Find your redemption code beneath the scratch-off foil on the back of the card.

A product box

Redemption Code

Find your redemption code on an insert card inside the box. The redemption code is a 24-digit alphanumeric code.

Serial Number

Find your serial number on the disc sleeve or on the product box. The serial number is a 24-digit numeric code.


For Elements products, serial numbers are applicable only for  2024 and earlier versions. You can find the serial number on the product box sleeve.

An email from a reseller

Find your redemption code or serial number in the email.

How do you redeem your code?


For subscription products, you can skip entering credit card details by clicking Remind me later. Entering credit card details helps ensure continuity of your subscription.

I have an active subscription. How do I use a redemption code?

If you already have an active subscription associated with an Adobe account, you can still use a redemption code.


To extend an existing subscription with a redemption code, ensure the new subscription details match exactly to avoid creating a duplicate subscription.

Depending on whether you redeem with the same or a different Adobe account, your redemption code is adjusted in different ways.

Choose the option below that applies to you:

If you already have the same plan or product, and redeem with the same Adobe account:  

  • If your payment plan is Annual plan, paid monthly, Adobe stops charging your credit card after you redeem the code. After the redemption code subscription term expires, Adobe resumes charging your credit card.
  • If your payment plan is Annual plan, prepaid, the redemption code term is added to the end of the paid subscription term.

If you redeem a different plan with the same Adobe account:

  • Your subscription runs parallel to your existing paid subscription. For example, consider a scenario where you have an existing subscription to the Creative Cloud Photography plan with 20 GB of storage. However, you have a redemption code for the Creative Cloud All Apps plan. In this case, if you redeem the redemption code, your subscription to Creative Cloud All Apps runs concurrently with the existing Creative Cloud Photography plan.

If you redeem a redemption code with a different Adobe account for the same or different plan or product, your subscription runs parallel to your existing paid subscription.

You can purchase your subscription from any reseller that distributes Adobe products through redemption codes. In this case, your redemption works in the same way as the subscription purchased from the Adobe website, except if your payment plan is Annual plan, paid monthly. This plan is not sold through the reseller channel.


Auto renew subscriptions purchased via resellers cannot be combined with or used to extend existing Adobe subscriptions or prepaid services. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for quick answers? Here are some common questions and solutions.

Try these solutions:

  • Make sure that the code you are entering is a redemption code (24-digit alphanumeric code).
  • Make sure that you typed the code correctly. Redemption codes contain both letters and numbers. It’s easy to confuse some numbers and letters, such as zero and one with the letters "0" and "I."
  • Make sure that you're entering the code at the correct redemption site. Be sure that you enter the code at the redemption site noted on your insert, card, or email. Go to Redeem a redemption code for subscription retail products or Redeem your purchase for non-subscription retail products.
  • Try redeeming the code from a different browser.
  • Access your account information. You may have your subscription or product available and registered in your Adobe account. For more information on your Adobe account, see Manage your Adobe account.

If your subscription didn't renew, you might have accidentally purchased a duplicate subscription. If you believe your subscription should have been renewed, contact Adobe Customer Care for assistance.

When you relocate to a country that doesn't match the country associated with your Adobe account, do one of the following based on the type of subscription you have:

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