Conduct discussions on the general After Effects forum.
FAQ: What information should I provide when asking a question on the After Effects user forum?
FAQ: How do I reduce or prevent flicker?
FAQ: Where can I get help with downloading and installation?
FAQ: Where can I get information and help regarding pricing, shipping, orders, and activation?
FAQ: How do I find information about After Effects?
FAQ: Why does horizontal motion stutter (judder) in my movies, such as during pans?
FAQ: Why can't I see my changes until I let go of the mouse button?
FAQ: What is the best format for rendering and exporting from After Effects?
FAQ: Why is my output file huge, and why doesn't it play back smoothly in a media player?
FAQ: What are optimum memory settings for best performance in After Effects?
FAQ: Why doesn't AVI appear as an export format in the Render Queue?
FAQ: Why isn't the anchor point centered in shape layers?
FAQ: Why are my vector graphics (for example, from Illustrator) jagged or soft?
FAQ: Why is there no audio (sound) in my output file?
FAQ: How can I play or preview sound (audio)?
FAQ: Why does my layer (camera) move back and forth between keyframes of equal value?
FAQ: Why won't After Effects import my PSD file as a composition but flattens it?