When you import a bitmap into Animate, you can modify that bitmap and use it in your Animate document in a variety of ways.
If a Animate document displays an imported bitmap at a size larger than the original, the image may be distorted. To be sure that images are displayed properly, preview imported bitmaps.
When you select a bitmap on the Stage, the Property inspector displays the bitmap’s symbol name and its pixel dimensions and position on the Stage. Using the Property inspector, you can swap an instance of a bitmap—that is, replace the instance with an instance of another bitmap in the current document.
You can apply anti-aliasing to an imported bitmap to smooth the edges in the image. You can also select a compression option to reduce the bitmap file size and format the file for display on the web.
Photo (JPEG)
Compresses the image in JPEG format. To use the default compression quality specified for the imported image, select Use Document Default Quality. To specify a new quality compression setting, deselect Use Document Default Quality and enter a value between 1 and 100 in the Quality text field. (A higher setting preserves greater image integrity but yields a larger file size.)
Lossless (PNG/GIF)
Compresses the image with lossless compression, in which no data is discarded from the image.
note: Use Photo compression for images with complex color or tonal variations, such as photographs or images with gradient fills. Use lossless compression for images with simple shapes and relatively few colors.
JPEG Quality settings that you select in the Publish Settings dialog box do not specify a quality setting for imported JPEG files. Specify a quality setting for each imported JPEG file in the Bitmap Properties dialog box.
To add bitmaps to a document at runtime, use the ActionScript® 2.0 or the ActionScript 3.0 BitmapData command. To do so, specify a linkage identifier for the bitmap. For more information, see Assigning linkage to assets in the library in Learning ActionScript 2.0 or Exporting library symbols for ActionScript in the ActionScript 3.0 Developer’s Guide.
To apply a bitmap as a fill to a graphic object, use the Color panel. Applying a bitmap as a fill tiles the bitmap to fill the object. The Gradient Transform tool allows you to scale, rotate, or skew an image and its bitmap fill.
If you are editing a Fireworks PNG file imported as a flattened image, edit the PNG source file for the bitmap, when available.
You cannot edit bitmaps from Fireworks PNG files imported as editable objects in an external image editor.
If you have Fireworks 3 or later or another image-editing application installed on your system, you can start the application from Animate to edit an imported bitmap.
If you are using CS5.5, you need to use Photoshop CS5.1 to access this feature.
Breaking apart a bitmap on the Stage separates the on-Stage image from its library item and converts it from a bitmap instance to a shape. When you break apart a bitmap, you can modify the bitmap with the Animate drawing and painting tools. Using the Magic Wand tool, you can select areas of the bitmap that contain the same or similar colors.
To paint with a broken-apart bitmap, select the bitmap with the Eyedropper tool and apply the bitmap as a fill with the Paint Bucket tool or another drawing tool.
In the Tools Panel, select the Magic Wand tool. If the Magic Wand tool is not visible, click the Lasso Tool and select Magic Wand tool from the pop-up menu. Set the following options in the Property Inspector:
For Threshold, enter a value between 1 and 200 to define how closely the color of adjacent pixels must match to be included in the selection. A higher number includes a broader range of colors. If you enter 0, only pixels of the exact same color as the first pixel you click are selected.
For Smoothing, select an option to define how much the edges of the selection are smoothed.
The Trace Bitmap command converts a bitmap into a vector graphic with editable, discrete areas of color. You manipulate the image as a vector graphic, and you can reduce the file size.
When you convert a bitmap to a vector graphic, the vector graphic is no longer linked to the bitmap symbol in the Library panel.
If the imported bitmap contains complex shapes and many colors, the converted vector graphic might have a larger file size than the original bitmap. To find a balance between file size and image quality, try a variety of settings in the Trace Bitmap dialog box.