Calls the provided function for each row of the provided query and removes the row from query if the function returns false.
ColdFusion (2021 release): Introduced the following parameters:
- parallel
- maxThreadCount
Also, in this release, QueryFilter will not mutate the original query. To maintain backward compatibility, there is a JVM flag coldfusion.query.filter.mutateinputquery.
Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release): Introduced named parameters.
Adobe ColdFusion (2016 release): Added the function.
See also
queryFilter(query, function(row [, currentRow] [, query] ){} [, parallel] [, maxThreadCount]) |
Parameter | Description |
query | (Required) Query to be iterated over. |
filter | (Required) Function to be called with each row of the query. Should return a boolean value. |
parallel | (Optional) True if you want to enable parallel programming. |
maxThreadCount |
(Optional) The number of threads the function can execute. The number of threads must be between 1-50. If the value exceeds 50, there is an exception. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | < cfscript > myQuery = queryNew ( "id,name,amount" , "Integer,Varchar,Integer" , [ {id=1,name= "One" ,amount=15}, {id=2,name= "Two" ,amount=18}, {id=3,name= "Three" ,amount=32}, {id=4,name= "Four" ,amount=27}, {id=5,name= "Five" ,amount=43}, {id=6,name= "Six" ,amount=71} ]); filteredQuery=QueryFilter(myQuery,function(obj){ return obj.amount>=30 }) writeOutput ( "The filtered query is:" ) writeDump(filteredQuery) </ cfscript > |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | < cfscript > qoptions = {result= "myresult" , datasource= "cfbookclub" , fetchclientinfo= "yes" }; sampleQuery = QueryExecute( "select * from books order by bookid" , [] ,qoptions); function filterQuery( any Obj){ return (Obj.ISSPOTLIGHT == "Y" ? true : false); } WriteDump(QueryFilter(sampleQuery, filterQuery)); </ cfscript > |
The script filters the query result to display objects, where IsSpotlight is “Y”. The script returns an array of structs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | < cfscript > myResult=QueryExecute( "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES" ,[],{datasource= "cfdocexamples" }); // Execute the function to call each row and return the values of Location status=myResult.filter(function (city){ return (city.LOCATION== "Newton" || city.LOCATION== "San Francisco" ? true : false); }); // Display the values that meet the filter requirements WriteDump(status); </ cfscript > |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | < cfscript > myQuery = queryNew ( "id,name,amount" , "Integer,Varchar,Integer" , [ {id=1,name= "One" ,amount=15}, {id=2,name= "Two" ,amount=18}, {id=3,name= "Three" ,amount=32}, {id=4,name= "Four" ,amount=27}, {id=5,name= "Five" ,amount=43}, {id=6,name= "Six" ,amount=71} ]); t_start= GetTickCount () QueryFilter(myQuery,function(obj){ return obj.amount>=30 },true,20) t_end= GetTickCount () writeOutput ( "Time taken with 20 threads:" & t_end-t_start) </ cfscript > |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | < cfscript > // Install the package derby before executing this code. cfpm>install derby qoptions = {result= "myresult" , datasource= "cfbookclub" , fetchclientinfo= "yes" }; sampleQuery = QueryExecute( "select * from books order by bookid" , [] ,qoptions); function filterQuery( any Obj){ return (Obj.ISSPOTLIGHT == "Y" ? true : false); } t_start= GetTickCount () QueryFilter(query=sampleQuery, callback=filterQuery,parallel=true,maxthreadcount=20) t_end= GetTickCount () writeOutput ( "Time taken with 20 threads:" & t_end-t_start) </ cfscript > |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | < cfscript > myResult=QueryExecute( "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES" ,[],{datasource= "cfdocexamples" }); // Execute the function to call each row and return the values of Location // Display the values that meet the filter requirements t_start= GetTickCount () status=myResult.filter(function (city){ return (city.LOCATION== "Newton" || city.LOCATION== "San Francisco" ? true : false); },true,30) t_end= GetTickCount () writeOutput ( "Time taken with 30 threads:" & t_end-t_start) </ cfscript > |