Swaps the contents of a row with a specified row in a query object.
For example, you can swap a record in sourceRow with the record of destinationRow.
QueryRowSwap(query, sourceRow, destinationRow)
query.Swap(sourceRow, destinationRow)
Parameter |
Required/Optional |
Description |
Query |
Required |
The query object where the rows are to be swapped. |
sourceRow |
Required |
The row to swap. |
destinationRow |
Required |
The row to be swapped with. |
<cfscript> myQuery1=queryNew("empid,depid,name", "integer,integer,varchar",[ [10, 101, "John"], [20, 120, "James"], [30, 205, "Peter"] ]); myQuery2=queryNew("empid,depid,name","integer,integer,varchar",[ [40, 530, "Jacob"], [50, 306, "Mary"], [60, 120, "Helen"] ]) QueryAppend(myquery1,myquery2) WriteOutput("Query object before swap") WriteDump(myquery1) swapped=QueryRowSwap(myquery1,2,3) // Swap the records in position 2 and 3 WriteOutput("Query object after swapping rows 2 and 3") WriteDump(swapped) </cfscript>