VerifySCryptHash(plaintext, hashedString, options) |
Parameter | Description |
plaintext |
(Required) The input string on which the hash function must be run. |
hashedString | (Required) The hashed output from the GenerateSCryptHash function. |
options | (Optional) A struct with the following values:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | < cfscript > stringToEncrypt= "Sample string" options = StructNew () options.cpucost = 1024 options.memorycost = 64 options.keylength = 16 options.saltlength = 8 sCrypted=GenerateSCryptHash(stringToEncrypt,options) // struct decryptOptions = structNew () decryptOptions.keylength=16 backToString = VerifySCryptHash(stringToEncrypt, sCrypted, decryptOptions) writeDump(backToString) </ cfscript > |