The Performance Monitoring Toolset monitors all transactions on a ColdFusion server and captures the response times along with other basic details of a transaction.
The procedure requires recording metrics for all components of a transaction, and thus you have the Code Profiler.
To run the code profiler, click Code Profiler on the left panel.
The tags that are not captured in profiling are:
cfif cfelse cfelseif cftry cfcatch cfset
Choose the profile mode:
- Application: Specify the name of the application, that needs profiling. Profiling does not capture the data for other applications, which are not added.
- URL: Specify a URL that needs profiling. Add the URL and make sure that profile check-box is selected. Profiling does not capture the data for other URLs, which are not added.
- Server: Choose the server that needs profiling.
The Code Profiler only profiles the following built-in functions:
- ORMSearch
- ORMSearchOffline
- Encode*
- Decode*
- XMLFormat
- JSformat
- Encryption
- SecretKey
- GetSOAPRequest
- ObjectLoad
- ObjectSave
- Compare
- Wrap
- REFInd
- REFindNocase
- REMatch
- File operation functions
- PrinterInfo
- StructAppend
- RunAsync
- StructToSorted
- Sort
- Map
- Each
- Filter
- Find
- Reduce
- Evaluate
- PrecisionEvaluate
- DateDiff
- Xml functions
- Array functions
Basic info The section displays the following details:
- HTTP method
- Status code
- Response time
- Template path
- Cluster id
- ...and more
Code flow The section displays the cfm file's particular line number and the time taken by the code in that line to execute.CF server The section displays the following details:
- JVM: You can view, for example, memory usage of heap and non-heap, count of GC, and other JVM properties.
- Template cache size: You can view, for example, template cache count and hit ratio.
- Request queue size
- Throttle data
Database View the databases that are used in the cfm .External services View services, such as, cfhttp ,cfftp , orcffeed .Tags/Functions View the tags and functions that are used in the cfm and the number of times they are called.Error/Timeout View timeout errors, if any, when executing the cfm .Memory View the places that contain each variable used in the cfm along with the name of the function and function scopes.
Right-click on the project, click Performance Monitoring Toolset Profiler > Run Performance Monitoring Toolset Profiler.
You can see the results in the profiler tab, as shown below:
The code must be in sync with the project before running the code profiler. Otherwise, the line points to a wrong place in the code.