SAML is a standard that facilitates the exchange of security information. Developed by OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards), SAML is an XML-based framework. SAML enables different organizations (with different security domains) to securely exchange authentication and authorization information.
Single Sign-On: Web applications rely on browser cookies to maintain the state of user authentication, so that a user needs to authenticate again when accessing the system. However, since browser cookies are never transmitted between DNS domains, the information in the cookies from one domain is never available to another domain. Therefore, web applications support Single Sign-On (SSO) to pass authentication across domains.
Federated identity: Federated identity management (FIM) is an agreement that is made between multiple enterprises to let subscribers use the same identification data to obtain access to all enterprise data. Identity federation links a user's identity across multiple security domains, each supporting its own identity management system. When two domains are federated, the user can authenticate to one domain and then access resources in the other domain without being involved in a separate login procedure.
Before you use the SAML features, make sure the module is installed by running ColdFusion Package Manager.
Navigate to “<instance_home>/bin” and run “cfpm.bat/”.
Type “install saml” to install the SAML package.
SAML workflows require a preqreuisite metadata exchange step between the Service Provider and the Identity Provider. This helps the two parties trust each other by agreeing on a common contract. The exchange makes the entities aware of each other's endpoints, certificates and binding support. Without this step, SSO and SLO workflows would simply not work.
A SAML service provider is a system entity that receives and accepts authentication assertions in conjunction with a single sign-on (SSO) profile of the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). In the SAML domain model, a SAML relying party is any system entity that receives and accepts information from another system entity.
In ColdFusion, all SAML 2.0 metadata are supported.
There are three entities involved in any SSO scenario
- Principal – The principal is a usually a user requesting some sort of service from an application
- Service Provider – This could be any application(web/ColdFusion) that provides one/multiple services to users, but they first need to be authenticated to avail these services
- Identity Provider – The Identity Provider acts as an instrument of trust. The user is authenticated to the Identity Provider. The Service Provider contacts the Identity Provider to know the authentication and authorization state of the user.
To add a Service Provider (SP), in ColdFusion Administrator, navigate to Security > SP Configuration.
Field | Description |
Name | Name of the Service Provider configuration to be configured. |
Description | Description of the SP. |
Entity Id | A unique identifier for the SP. Each instance of SP must have a different Entity Id. |
ACS (Assertion Consumer Service) URL | The location where the SAML assertion is sent. This is often referred to as SAML ACS URL for your application. |
ACS Binding | The SAML response is prepared according to the configuration provided by Identity Provider, encoded to base 64 string and loaded into the request based on this configuration. The HTTP-Redirect binding inserts the base 64 encoded string into the URL, while the HTTP-POST binding inserts the base 64 encoded string as a hidden FORM element. Takes the value “REDIRECT”/”POST". |
SLO URL | The location where the logout response needs to be sent. |
SLO Binding | Defines how the various protocol messages are to be exchanged between the SP and the IDP. Takes the value “REDIRECT”/”POST” |
Sign Requests | Enable to sign requests from the SP with the private key. |
Want Assertions Signed | Indicates whether the SP wants the Assertion response from the IDP to be signed. |
Logout Response Signed | Enable to sign the logout response to be sent from the SP |
Signing KeyStore Path | Path of the KeyStore that you had created with private/public keypair |
Signing KeyStore Password | Password of the KeyStore. |
Signing KeyStore Alias | Alias of entry in the KeyStore. |
Request Store | Request store helps match outgoing requests and incoming responses with the Identity Provider to help protect against Replay Attacks.
ColdFusion has been using EHCache for replay attack, but it makes it difficult in cluster, when you have to go edit the XML for all the instances. The second option is cache. After installing caching module, you can specify server level cache in ColdFusion administrator. As well as in Application.cfc we can specify caching settings. If cache option is selected, we will use those cache settings to store And the last option is Redis. If you have configured Redis session storage in ColdFusion Admin it will use that setting. Redis is used because all instances will point to one Redis so cluster scenario is easy The Request Store option can be provided in Admin page or using Application.cfc by specifying the property “REQUESTSTORE” while adding SP. It takes values of "Cache" and "Redis" For example, = [{ name: 'sp1', entityId: 'admin1', acsURL: 'http://localhost:89/App1/response.cfm', sloURL: 'http://localhost:89/App1/logout.cfm', ACSBINDING: 'post', SLOBINDING: 'post', SIGNREQUESTS: true, WANTASSERTIONSSIGNED: true, LOGOUTRESPONSESIGNED: true, SIGNKEYSTOREPATH: 'C:/okta.p12', SIGNKEYSTOREPASSWORD: 'abcdef', SIGNKEYSTOREALIAS: 'selfsigned', REQUESTSTORE: 'Redis' }]; |

The SAML Service Provider needs to know the details of the Identity Provider. This can be taken as input from the user, or it can be imported from raw xml file. The IDP metadata describes the format the Identity Provider expects messages from the Service Provider. Some IDPs are configurable and flexible to support multiple bindings/configurations. But some might have only limited implementations in which case this metadata would tell the Service Provider exactly what format to adhere to.
To add an Identity Provider, in ColdFusion Administrator, navigate to Security > IDP Configuration.
Field | Description |
Name |
Specify the name of the Identity Provider to be created. |
Description |
Description of the Identity Provider. |
Entity Id |
A uniquely identifiable identifier for the IDP. Each instance of IDP must have a different entity ID. |
The URL which points to the SSO service of the IDP. |
The URL which points to the SSO logout service of the IDP |
SSO Binding |
Takes the value “REDIRECT”/”POST” as explained below. |
SLO Binding |
Takes the value “REDIRECT”/”POST” as explained below. |
POST binding |
The SAML request is prepared, encoded to base 64 string and loaded into a HTML form as one of the form input fields. You can provide any template path which has a form using the “template” parameter in functions InitSAMLAuthRequest / InitSAMLLogoutRequest. Refer cfinstance/wwwroot/WEB-INF/saml/login.cfm for an example |
REDIRECT binding |
The SAML request is prepared, encoded into a base 64 string and is loaded into the URL as a query parameter. |
Sign Requests |
Enable this option if you want the request to be signed. |
Encrypt Requests |
Enable this option if you want the request to be encrypted. |
Sign Certificate and Encrypt Certificate |
Create your own certificate using, for example, keytool, and upload it to CF Administrator. |

Import Identity Provider configuration
You can import the SAML metadata in one of the four ways:
- Import from SAML URL
- Import from an existing SAML definition
- Import from XML file in local system
- Create your own SAML definition
Now that you've configured both the IdP and SP, you can initiate the SSO workflows. Call InitSAMLAuthRequest function.
<cfset config = {
idp = {name = “testidp”},
sp = {name = “testsp”},
relayState = “cart”
<cfset InitSAMLAuthRequest(config)>
Once you authenticate, the IdP then responds with a set of assertions which include your identity as well as roles/grants that may have been configured for the given user. These can be extracted using the ProcessSAMLResponse function below:
<cfset response = ProcessSAMLResponse(“testidp”,”testsp”)>
<cfdump var = “#response#”>
Single Logout requests are similar to SSO requests. Call the InitSAMLLogoutRequest function with the details received during login like sessionindex, nameId and nameIdFormat.
These are dependent upon the IdP which sometimes also require the nameIdQualifier and spNameIdQualifier fields.
<cfset config = {
idp = {name = “testidp”},
sp = {name = “testsp”},
sessionindex = “#response.SESSIONINDEX#”,
nameId = “#response.NAMEID#”,
nameIdFormat = “#response.NAMEIDFORMAT#”
<cfset InitSAMLLogoutRequest(config)>
You will be redirected to the IdP which will try to process your Logout Request. The response returned from the IdP will contain a Boolean value which tells us whether the logout at the IdP was successful or not. This can be extracted using the same ProcessSAMLResponse function.
<cfset response = ProcessSAMLResponse(“testidp”,”testsp”)>
<cfdump var = “#response#”>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 | component { = 'sampleApp' ; = [ { name: 'idpt' , ssoBinding: 'POST' , sloBinding: 'REDIRECT' , signMessage: true, signrequests: true, encryptrequests: false, signcertificate: 'ABCDEF...' } ] = [ { name: 'spt' , entityId: 'admin' , acsbinding: 'POST' , slobinding: 'REDIRECT' , signrequests: true, wantassertionssigned: true, logoutresponsesigned: true, signkeystorepath: 'C:\ColdFusion\cfusion\lib\okta.p12' , signkeystorepassword: 'abcdef' , signkeystorealias: 'selfsigned' , requeststore: 'redis' } ] } |
InitSAMLAuthRequest(options) |
idp | Name of the Identity Provider. |
sp | Name of the Service Provider. |
relayState |
A string token that is attached with the request. On succesful authentication with the IdP, this token is sent back in the SAMLResponse so that the user can be redirected to any page once authentication is done. |
template |
The location of a template that can be used as an intermediate loading page before redirection to the IDP takes place. Valid only for POST bindings. |
lifetime | The time that the SAML request must be entertained while waiting for the response from the IDP. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | < cfset struct1 = StructNew ()> < cfset struct1.relaystate = "page" > < cfset struct1.idp = StructNew ()> < cfset = "idp1" > <!--- Specify the name of the idp added through ColdFusion admin page or Application.cfc ---> < cfset struct1.sp = StructNew ()> <!--- Give the name of the sp added through ColdFusion admin page or Application.cfc ---> < cfset = "sp1" > < cfdump var= "#struct1#" > < cfscript > InitSAMLAuthRequest(struct1); </ cfscript > |
GetSAMLAuthRequest(options) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | < cfset struct1 = StructNew ()> < cfset struct1.idp = StructNew ()> < cfset = "idp1" > < cfset struct1.sp = StructNew ()> < cfset = "sp1" > < cfset authreq= XmlParse ( "#GetSAMLAuthRequest(struct1)#" )> < cfdump var= "#authreq#" > |
ProcessSAMLResponse(idp, sp) |
The response struct returned by ProcessSAMLResponse contains the following important fields:
SSO response
- AUTHENTICATED - A boolean value that tells us if the user was successfully authenticated at the IdP
- NAMEID - The username (or) email used for authentication
- NAMEIDFORMAT - Describes the format of the NAMEID field for further processing
- ATTRIBUTES - A list of attributes configured with the user at the IdP. May include First Name, Last Name, Permissible roles, etc
- RELAYSTATE - A string token that is attached with the request. On succesful authentication with the IdP, this token is sent back in the SAMLResponse so that the user can be redirected to any page once authentication is done.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | < cfset RespStruct = "#ProcessSAMLResponse(" idp1 ", " sp1 ")#" > < cfdump var= "#RespStruct#" > < cfif RespStruct.AUTHENTICATED> < cflogin > < cfloginuser name= "#RespStruct.NAMEID#" password= "" roles= "#ArrayToList(RespStruct.ATTRIBUTES)#" > </ cflogin > </ cfif > |
SLO response
- SUCCESSFULLOGOUT - A boolean value that indicates whether the user's global session at the IdP was successfully destroyed
InitSAMLLogoutRequest(options) |
idp | Name of the Identity Provider. |
sp | Name of the Service Provider. |
relayState |
A string token that is attached with the request. On succesful authentication with the IdP, this token is sent back in the SAMLResponse so that the user can be redirected to any page once authentication is done. |
template |
The location of a template that can be used as an intermediate loading page before redirection to the IDP takes place. Valid only for POST bindings. |
lifetime | The time that the SAML request must be entertained while waiting for the response from the IDP. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | < cfset struct1 = StructNew ()> < cfset struct1.idp = StructNew ()> < cfset = "idp1" > < cfset struct1.sp = StructNew ()> < cfset = "sp1" > < cfset struct1.lifetime = 600> < cfset struct1.relaystate = "page" > < cfscript > InitSAMLLogoutRequest(struct1); </ cfscript > |
GetSAMLLogoutRequest(options) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | < cfset struct1 = StructNew ()> < cfset struct1.idp = StructNew ()> < cfset = "idp1" > < cfset struct1.sp = StructNew ()> < cfset = "sp1" > < cfset authreq= XmlParse ( "#GetSAMLLogoutRequest(struct1)#" )> < cfdump var= "#authreq#" > |
issamlLogoutResponse() |
1 2 3 4 | < cfif isSAMLLogoutResponse()> <!--- dumping logout response---> < cfset struct2 = "#ProcessSAMLResponse()#" > < cfdump var= "#struct2#" > |
isSamlLogoutRequest() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | < cfif isSamlLogoutRequest()> <!--- dumping logout request---> < cfset struct3 = "#ProcessSAMLLogoutRequest(" logout2 ", " sp2 ")#" > < cfdump var= "Logging out in App2" output= "console" > < cfdump var= "#struct3#" output= "console" > < cfset SendSAMLLogoutResponse(#struct3.SESSIONINDEX#)> |
SendSAMLLogoutResponse(sessionIndex, idp, sp) |
sessionIndex | Uniquely identify the session being closed. |
idp | Name of the Identity Provider. |
sp | Name of the Service provider. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | < cfif isSamlLogoutRequest()> <!--- dumping logout request---> < cfset LogReq = "#ProcessSAMLLogoutRequest(" idp1 ", " sp1 ")#" > < cfdump var= "#LogReq#" > < cfset SendSAMLLogoutResponse(#LogReq.SESSIONINDEX#, "idp1" , "sp1" )> </ cfif > |
Once the request is received, this function returns a struct with the values- (NAMEID, NAMEIDFORMAT, NAMEIDQUALIFIER, NAMEIDSPQUALIFIER, SESSIONINDEX).
ProcessSAMLLogoutRequest(idp,sp) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | < cfif isSamlLogoutRequest()> <!--- dumping logout request---> < cfset LogReq = "#ProcessSAMLLogoutRequest(" idp1 ", " sp1 ")#" > < cfdump var= "#LogReq#" > < cfset SendSAMLLogoutResponse(#LogReq.SESSIONINDEX#, "idp1" , "sp1" )> </ cfif > |
GenerateSAMLSPMetadata() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | < cfset struct1 = StructNew ()> < cfset struct1.entityid = "generated_sp_id" > < cfscript > sp = GenerateSAMLSPMetadata(struct1); </ cfscript > < cfdump var= "#sp#" > |
Adds an Identity Provide configuration.
- alias: string, required, alias - Alias for the Identity Provider
- url: string, optional, url - URL to import the metadata from
- file: string, optional, file - File to import the metadata from
- rawxml: string, optional, rawxml - Raw xml to import the metadata from
- description: string, optional, description
- entityid: string, optional, entityid - Unique Entity ID of the Identity Provider
- ssourl: string, optional, ssourl - Single Sign On URL of the Identity Provider
- ssobinding: string, optional, ssobinding - Binding to be used for Single Sign On service (“REDIRECT” or “POST”)
- slourl: string, optional, slourl - Single Logout Service URL of the Identity Provider
- slobinding: string, optional, slobinding - Binding to be used for Single Logout service (“REDIRECT” or “POST”)
- logoutresponseurl: string, optional, logoutresponseurl - URL to redirect to after a logout request is received from the Identity Provider
- signrequests: boolean, optional, signrequests - Flag that indicates whether responses are signed by the Identity Provider (Default false)
- encryptrequests: boolean, optional, encryptrequests - Flag that indicates whether responses are encrypted by the Identity Provider (default false)
- signcertificate: string, optional, signcertificate - X509 certificate used for signing
- encryptcertificate: string, optional, encryptcertificate - X509 certificate used for encryption
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 | < cfscript > adminObj = createObject ( "component" , "cfide.adminapi.administrator" ); adminObj.login( "admin" ); // Instantiate the security object. myObj = createObject ( "component" , "" ) // Add metadata from URL idpAlias= "url" idpMetadataUrl=”https://metadata-url/” try{ myObj.addIdpMetadata(alias= idpAlias,url= idpMetadataUrl) writeOutput ( "IDP Metadata added successfully" ) } catch ( any e){ writeDump(e) } // Add metadata from file idpAlias = “file” idpMetadataFile = “/opt/metadata.xml” try{ myObj.addIdpMetadata(alias= idpAlias,file= idpMetadataFile) writeOutput ( "IDP Metadata added successfully" ) } catch ( any e){ writeDump(e) } // Add raw metadata xml idpAlias = “raw” idpMetadataRaw = “<md:EntityDescriptor ......” try{ myObj.addIdpMetadata(alias= idpAlias,rawxml= idpMetadataRaw) writeOutput ( "IDP Metadata added successfully" ) } catch ( any e){ writeDump(e) } // Add metadata manually idpAlias = “manual” idpSsoUrl = “” idpEntityId = “entity1” try{ myObj.addIdpMetadata(alias= idpAlias,ssourl= idpSsoUrl, entityid = idpEntityId) writeOutput ( "IDP Metadata added successfully" ) } catch ( any e){ writeDump(e) } </ cfscript > |
Adds a Service Provider configuration.
- alias: string, required, alias - Alias for the Service Provider
- description: string, optional, description
- entityid: string, required, entityid - Unique Entity ID of the Service Provider
- acsurl: string, required, acsurl - Assertion Consumer Service URL of the Service Provider
- acsbinding: string, optional, acsbinding - Binding to be used for Single Sign On service (“REDIRECT” or “POST”)
- slourl: string, optional, slourl - Single Logout Service URL of the Service Provider
- slobinding: string, optional, slobinding - Binding to be used for Single Logout service (“REDIRECT” or “POST”)
- signrequests: boolean, optional, signrequests - Flag that indicates whether responses are signed by the Service Provider
- wantassertionssigned: boolean, optional, wantassertionssigned - Flag that indicates whether Identity Provider should sign assertions
- logoutresponsesigned: boolean, optional, logoutresponsesigned - Flag that indicates whether Identity Provider should sign logout requests
- signkeystorepath: string, optional, signkeystorepath - Path to the keystore file to be used for signing
- signkeystorepassword: string, optional, signkeystorepassword - Password of the keystore file to be used for signing
- signkeystorealias: string, optional, signkeystorealias - Alias of the entry in the keystore
- signmetadata: boolean, optional, signmetadata - Indicates whether to sign the metadata while exporting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | < cfscript > adminObj = createObject ( "component" , "cfide.adminapi.administrator" ); adminObj.login( "admin" ); // Instantiate the security object. myObj = createObject ( "component" , "" ) // setting up parameter values spAlias= "spAlias" spDescription= "sp description" spEntityid= "abc" spAcsbinding= "POST" try{ myObj.addSpMetadata(alias = spAlias, description = spDescription, entityid = spEntityid, acsbinding = spAcsbinding, acsurl = spAcsurl) writeOutput ( "SP added successfully" ) } catch ( any e){ writeDump(e) } </ cfscript > |
Deletes an Identity Provider configuration.
- alias: string, required, alias - Alias for the Identity Provider
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | < cfscript > adminObj = createObject ( "component" , "cfide.adminapi.administrator" ); adminObj.login( "admin" ); // Instantiate the security object. myObj = createObject ( "component" , "" ) alias= "myalias" try{ myObj.deleteIdpMetadata(alias) writeOutput ( "IDP deleted successfully" ) } catch ( any e){ writeDump(e) } </ cfscript > |
Deletes a Service Provider configuration.
- alias: string, required, alias - Alias for the Service Provider
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | < cfscript > adminObj = createObject ( "component" , "cfide.adminapi.administrator" ); adminObj.login( "admin" ); // Instantiate the security object. myObj = createObject ( "component" , "" ) alias= "spAlias" try{ myObj.deleteSpMetadata(alias) writeOutput ( "SP deleted successfully" ) } catch ( any e){ writeDump(e) } </ cfscript > |
Exports the selected service provider configuration.
- alias: string, required, alias - Alias for the Service Provider
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | < cfscript > adminObj = createObject ( "component" , "cfide.adminapi.administrator" ); adminObj.login( "admin" ); // Instantiate the security object. myObj = createObject ( "component" , "" ) alias= "spAlias" try{ myObj.ExportSpMetadata(alias) writeOutput ( "SP exported successfully" ) } catch ( any e){ writeDump(e) } </ cfscript > |
Returns the service provider configuration for a given alias in a struct
- alias: string, required, alias - Alias for the Service Provider
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | < cfscript > adminObj = createObject ( "component" , "cfide.adminapi.administrator" ); adminObj.login( "admin" ); // Instantiate the security object. myObj = createObject ( "component" , "" ) alias= "spAlias" spMetadataDetails=myObj.getSpMetadata(alias) writeDump(spMetadataDetails) </ cfscript > |
Returns the service provider configuration for a given alias in a struct.
- alias: string, required, alias - Alias for the Service Provider
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | < cfscript > adminObj = createObject ( "component" , "cfide.adminapi.administrator" ); adminObj.login( "admin" ); // Instantiate the security object. myObj = createObject ( "component" , "" ) alias= "spAlias" spMetadataDetails=myObj.getSpMetadata(alias) writeDump(spMetadataDetails) </ cfscript > |
Modifies an already existing Identity Provider configuration.
- oldalias: string, required, oldalias - Alias for the existing Identity Provider configuration
- newalias: string, required, newalias - New alias for the Identity Provider configuration
- url: string, optional, url - URL to import the metadata from
- file: string, optional, file - File to import the metadata from
- rawxml: string, optional, rawxml - Raw xml to import the metadata from
- description: string, optional, description
- entityid: string, optional, entityid - Unique Entity ID of the Identity Provider
- ssourl: string, optional, ssourl - Single Sign On URL of the Identity Provider
- ssobinding: string, optional, ssobinding - Binding to be used for Single Sign On service (“REDIRECT” or “POST”)
- slourl: string, optional, slourl - Single Logout Service URL of the Identity Provider
- slobinding: string, optional, slobinding - Binding to be used for Single Logout service (“REDIRECT” or “POST”)
- logoutresponseurl: string, optional, logoutresponseurl - URL to redirect to after a logout request is received from the Identity Provider
- signrequests: boolean, optional, signrequests - Flag that indicates whether responses are signed by the Identity Provider
- encryptrequests: boolean, optional, encryptrequests - Flag that indicates whether responses are encrypted by the Identity Provider
- signcertificate: string, optional, signcertificate - X509 certificate used for signing
- encryptcertificate: string, optional, encryptcertificate - X509 certificate used for encryption
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | < cfscript > adminObj = createObject ( "component" , "cfide.adminapi.administrator" ); adminObj.login( "admin" ); // Instantiate the security object. myObj = createObject ( "component" , "" ) oldalias= "myalias" newalias= "newalias" try{ myObj.modifyIdpMetadata(oldalias = oldalias, newalias = newalias, url = url) writeOutput ( "IDP modified successfully" ) } catch( any e){ writeDump(e) } </ cfscript > |
Modifies a Service Provider configuration.
- oldalias: string, required, oldalias - Old alias for the Service Provider
- newalias: string, required, newalias - New alias for the Service Provider
- description: string, optional, description
- entityid: string, required, entityid - Unique Entity ID of the Service Provider
- acsurl: string, required, acsurl - Assertion Consumer Service URL of the Service Provider
- acsbinding: string, optional, acsbinding - Binding to be used for Single Sign On service (“REDIRECT” or “POST”)
- slourl: string, optional, slourl - Single Logout Service URL of the Service Provider
- slobinding: string, optional, slobinding - Binding to be used for Single Logout service(“REDIRECT” or “POST”)
- signrequests: boolean, optional, signrequests - Flag that indicates whether responses are signed by the Service Provider
- wantassertionssigned: boolean, optional, wantassertionssigned - Flag that indicates whether Identity Provider should sign assertions
- logoutresponsesigned: boolean, optional, logoutresponsesigned - Flag that indicates whether Identity Provider should sign logout requests
- signkeystorepath: string, optional, signkeystorepath - Path to the keystore file to be used for signing
- signkeystorepassword: string, optional, signkeystorepassword - Password of the keystore file to be used for signing
- signkeystorealias: string, optional, signkeystorealias - Alias of the entry in the keystore
- signmetadata: boolean, optional, signmetadata - Indicates whether to sign the metadata while exporting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | < cfscript > adminObj = createObject ( "component" , "cfide.adminapi.administrator" ); adminObj.login( "admin" ); // Instantiate the security object. myObj = createObject ( "component" , "" ) oldalias= "spAlias" newalias= "newalias" acsurl = “” acsbinding= "REDIRECT" try{ myObj.modifySpMetadata(oldalias = oldalias, newalias = newalias, entityid = entityid, acsurl = acsurl, acsbinding = acsbinding) writeOutput ( "SP modified successfully" ) } catch( any e){ writeDump(e) } </ cfscript > |