Warning when clicking Download or Try links | Adobe Creative Cloud website


When you click Download or Try for a Desktop App on the Creative Cloud website, you see a warning about the Adobe Creative Cloud Client.

In Mozilla Firefox, you see a dialog labeled Launch Application. The message states that the link must be opened with an application.

Launch Application - This link needs to be opened with an application. - Send to: - Adobe Creative Cloud Client - Remember by choice for aam links. - OK

In Google Chrome, you see a dialog labeled External Protocol Request. This message states that Google Chrome must launch an external application.

External Protocol Request - Google Chrome needs to launch an external application to handle aam: links. The link requested is aam:// SAPCode passPhrase - The following application will be launched if you accept this request: - AdobeCreativeCloudClient - Remember my choice for all links of this type. - Launch Application

In Internet Explorer, you see one or two dialogs asking if you want to allow the website to open a program.

Internet Explorer - Do you want to allow this website to open a program on your computer? - From: creative.adobe.com - Program: Adobe Creative Cloud Client - Address: aam:// SAPCode passPhrase - Always ask before openning this type of address - Allow


This behavior is expected. It is a security warning from your browser.

Do one of the following:

Mozilla Firefox - Select Remember My Choice For AAM Links. Click OK.

Google Chrome - Select Remember My Choice For All Links Of This Type. Click Launch Application.

Internet Explorer - Deselect Always Ask Before Opening This Type Of Address and click Allow. If you have Protected Mode enabled, then you see a second dialog box. It could appear before or after the other. In the dialog from Protected Mode with a yellow banner, select Do Not Show Me The Warning For This Program Again. Click Allow.

After completing these steps, the Creative Cloud desktop app opens directly.

Additional information

The Creative Cloud website uses a custom protocol, aam://, to open the Creative Cloud desktop app on your computer. Allowing a website to open a program on your computer can be harmful. Therefore, your browser asks you to confirm that you want to do so.