Na tej strani Issue Solution Velja za: Adobe Creative Cloud 某些 Creative Cloud 应用程序、服务和功能在中国不可用。 Issue While installing Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app, you get the following error: Unable to locate /tmp system folder. Please make sure the folder exists before proceeding with the installation. Solution Solution 1: Manually create /tmp folder Open Finder and click Go > Go To Folder. Type /private and click Go. Create a new folder and rename it to tmp. The name of the folder is case-sensitive. Install the Creative Cloud desktop app. Solution 2: Re-create the missing /tmp system folder by repairing disk permissions Go to Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility. Select the disk you want to repair from the sidebar. Click First Aid and the click Run. Restart the system. Install the Creative Cloud desktop app. Pravna obvestila | Pravilnik o zasebnosti v spletu