Issue-1: Unable to retrieve extensions and load user data for below locales on downgrading from Dreamweaver 19.1 to 19.0 or 19.0.1
For some locales (listed in the left column of below table), when you create custom data and change app preferences in Dreamweaver version 19.1 and then later downgrade from 19.1 to 19.0 or 19.0.1, changes made to custom data and preferences are not visible in version 19.0 or 19.0.1.
This issue is encountered in the following scenarios:
- When Dreamweaver 19.1 is uninstalled with option No, keep app preferences assuming user needs to have custom data.
- On updating Dreamweaver back to 19.1.
Language selected in Creative Cloud desktop app |
Actual language bundled in Dw
da_DK | en_US |
en_AE | en_US |
en_GB | en_US |
en_IL | en_US |
en_XM | en_US |
es_MX | es_ES |
fi_FI | en_US |
fr_CA | fr_FR |
fr_MA | fr_FR |
fr_XM | fr_FR |
hu_HU | en_US |
uk_UA | en_US |
Issue-2: Unable to install extensions on changing app language in Creative Cloud desktop Application
For a selected locale, extensions are not installed on changing the App language in Creative Cloud Desktop Application. This issue occurs on installing Dreamweaver 19.1 with app language preference changed in Creative Cloud desktop application
On running below command, extensions installed for Dreamweaver 19.0 or 19.0.1 are not listed after upgrading to Dreamweaver 19.1 and hence unable to uninstall the extensions through ExManCMD tool.
- Win: ExManCmd.exe /list all
- Mac: ./ExManCmd –list all
To uninstall or list the extensions after upgrading to 19.1, perform the steps below:
- Execute the install command again for the required extensions through ExManCMD tool or from Adobe Exchange page (sign-in if needed).
- Execute the remove or list all command. For all commands available within the ExManCMD tool, see Working from the command line.
All extensions installed post upgrading to Dreamweaver 19.1 are visible in ExManCmd command line and can be uninstalled by running Remove command.