DS_Store files are automatically created by Mac OS X Finder in browsed directories. These files contain information about system configuration. If you upload them along with other files, the files can be misused to obtain information about your computer. For more information, see Apple security updates.
In the vi editor, press the letter I on your keyboard once and enter the following command:
15 1 * * * root find / -name ".DS_Store" -depth -exec rm {} \;
This crontab entry has the following format:
<Minute> <Hour> <DayOfMonth> <Month> <DayOfWeek> <User Command>.
The system automatically runs the command at 1:15 AM everyday. To configure the command for a different time, use different values.
This command is not run if your computer is switched off at the scheduled time.
For more details, see Mac OS X Hidden Files & Directories.