If you have saved Illustrator or licensed, Adobe Stock images in your Creative Cloud Libraries, you can extract them as web-optimized SVG files in your Dreamweaver web pages. When you drag the images from the Libraries panel into your web pages, they are inserted as SVG files by default. For more information, see Reuse graphics stored in Libraries.
If you want to customize the properties of SVG files, you can edit the preferences in options.json file that is present in the following location:
- Windows: %appdata%\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2015\<locale>\Configuration\SVGOptions\
- Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Dreamweaver CC 2015/<locale>/Configuration/SVGOptions/
Property Name | Value | Description |
trimToArtBounds | boolean | The SVG covers the art bounds independent of the dimension of the OMG document. |
useViewBox | boolean | If trimToArtBounds and useViewBox are set to true, the content of the document will not be shifted. Instead, the viewBox value of the root SVG element is modified to slice and zoom the content to fit the needs. |
constrainToDocBounds | boolean | Clips the visible content to the document bounds. |
preserveAspectRatio | string | Aspect ratio as defined by the SVG specification. Setting preserveAspectRatio overrides the computed value of svgWriter. Therefore, it is recommended to not set this value. Note: For meet or xMidYMid meet use the equivilant string, xMidYMid, for reduced file size. |
styling | string | This property is optional and defaults to class:
prefix | string | A prefix that will be added to every ID and class name. This allows unique naming schemes for every SVG document. Multiple SVG documents can be inlined to a single HTML document without an ID or class name clashes as long as the provided prefixes are unique. |
cropRect | object | A rectangle with the properties x, y, width and height. x and y are optional. Defines a rectangle to which the SVG document gets cropped. Padding is created if the dimension is smaller than the crop rectangle. |
minify | Avoids indentations, newlines and whitespaces in the SVG output. Uses minimal IDs. | |
idType | string |
precision | number | The number of digits after the floating point. The number must be in the range of 0 to 10, and if specified otherwise, the number is trimmed. Default is 3. |
isResponsive | boolean | If set to true,the SVG document fills the viewport/image area (no width and height attribtues set on SVG root.) |
carriageReturn | boolean | By default, svgWriter uses the line ending LF. With carriageReturn set to true, line endings use CRLF. |
indentation | string | Use a custom string as indentation. For example, use tab indentation. The default value in this case is 2 spaces. |
fillFilter | boolean | Filters apply only to the fill of an element. The stroke is unaffected and gets drawn on top of the filtered content. |
documentUnits | string | mm | cm | pc | in - Specified document units will be used on the width and height attribute of the root element. |