If you have both Animate and Dreamweaver installed, you can select a SWF file in a Dreamweaver document and use Animate to edit it. Animate does not edit the SWF file directly; it edits the source document (FLA file) and re‑exports the SWF file.
Click the SWF file placeholder to select it; then in the Property inspector click Edit.
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the placeholder for the SWF file, and select Edit With Flash from the context menu.
Dreamweaver switches the focus to Animate, and Animate attempts to locate the Flash authoring file (FLA) for the selected SWF file. If Animate cannot locate the Flash authoring file, you are prompted to locate it.
If the FLA file or SWF file is locked, check out the file in Dreamweaver.