The CSS management features in Dreamweaver make it easy for you to move or export CSS rules to different locations. You can move rules from document to document, from the head of a document to an external style sheet, between external CSS files, and more.
If the rule you’re trying to move conflicts with a rule in the destination style sheet, Dreamweaver displays the Rule With Same Name Exists dialog box. If you elect to move the conflicting rule, Dreamweaver places the moved rule immediately adjacent to the conflicting rule in the destination style sheet.
In the CSS Designer panel (All mode), select a rule and drag it rule to the desired location. You can select and drag to re‑order rules within a style sheet, or move a rule to another style sheet or the document head.
You can move more than one rule at a time by Control‑clicking (Windows) or Command-clicking (Macintosh) multiple rules to select them.