After you’ve created files in your local and remote sites, you can synchronize the files between the two sites.
If your remote site is an FTP server (rather than a networked server), then synchronizing your files uses FTP.
Before you synchronize your sites, you can verify which files you want to put, get, delete, or ignore. Dreamweaver also confirms which files have been updated after you complete the synchronization.
You must have the Maintain Synchronization Information option selected in the Remote category of the Site Definition dialog box for this feature to be available.
Select whether to delete the files on the destination site that don’t have counterparts on the origin site. (This is not available if you select Get and Put from the Direction menu.)
If you select Put Newer Files to Remote and you select the Delete option, then any files in your remote site for which there are no corresponding local files are deleted. If you select Get Newer Files from Remote, then any files in your local site for which there are no corresponding remote files are deleted.
Before you can synchronize the files, you must preview the actions Dreamweaver performs to accomplish this task.
If the newest version of each chosen file is already in both locations and nothing needs to be deleted, an alert appears informing you that no synchronization is necessary. Otherwise, the Synchronize dialog box appears to let you change the actions (put, get, delete, and ignore) for those files before executing the synchronization.
To change the action for a particular file, select the file, and then click one of the action icons at the bottom of the preview window.