Use the Check Links feature to search for broken links and orphaned files (files that still exist in the site but that aren’t linked to by any other files in the site). You can search an open file, a portion of a local site, or an entire local site.
Dreamweaver verifies links only to documents within the site; Dreamweaver compiles a list of external links in the selected document or documents but does not verify them.
You can also identify and delete files that are no longer used by other files in your site.
After you run a links reports, you can fix broken links and image references directly in the Link Checker panel, or you can open files from the list and fix links in the Property inspector.
If there are other broken references to this same file, you are prompted to fix the references in the other files as well. Click Yes to have Dreamweaver update all the documents on the list that reference this file. Click No to have Dreamweaver update the current reference only.
If Enable File Check In And Check Out is enabled for the site, Dreamweaver attempts to check out files that require changes. If it cannot check out a file, Dreamweaver displays a warning dialog box and leaves broken references unchanged.