Troubleshooting - Why are my click events not being tracked correctly?

DTM Library not getting loaded for click events

Make sure that your rule has been first activated and then published. If you have made changes to a rule, but have not taken these steps those changes will not be live on your website.

There is likely an issue with the DTM code installation. The code placement is critical and can be quickly checked by viewing the page source of the site and hitting ‘Cl / Command + F’ and searching for ‘satellite’ to locate the DTM code snippets. The header code should be placed in the head section of the html as close to the head tag as possible. The footer code should be placed in the body section as close to the /body tag as possible. See help link here - a target = 'Click to follow link' = If the code appears to be implemented correctly, then click on the library file shown in the header code within the page source. If it shows File not found., then you need to either publish your property or use your Staging embed code until you're ready to publish. The Production library file is only available once the property has been published at least once.

Getting ID of the element that is clicked

Make sure that if you choose to use a unique element to use in the Element or Tag Selector. If the element you have chosen to use appears more than once on the page it will cause issues. E.g. if you chose to use the button class and there are more than one of the same button on that page you should instead use the element id since that is unique to that button. You can find this by right clicking that button and inspecting element. If the desired element does not have an ID, need to come up with a unique identifier. You can do this by right clicking on the element, choosing Inspect Element, then in the web inspector right clicking on the element (which should be highlighted from the previous action), and choosing Copy Unique Selector. This path can then be pasted into the appropriate field in DTM.

Getting the number of times an element is clicked

To capture the value from a data atribute when user clicks on a link you'll first need to grab the value from a data atribute. You have to create Data Element with in your DTM Web property to capture that data artibute value. For example: lta weddinglink =a target = 'Click to follow link http/'  =http/ = colorhttp/

To capture this data-link value from an data element is: Create a Data Element with Selector and put a.weddinglinkin the Selector Chain after that select get the value of other atribute to data-link and save your data element. Now, you can use this data element with in your Analytics Tool to assign the value of data atribute through Data Element to your eVars or Props.  

Click event rule not passing value into variables.

  • Make sure you've defined the evar or event that you want to use for this event and that is it set up correctly in Analytics.  
  • Ensure the rule is firing by turning on staging and debug mode and viewing the console. If the rule uses data element, test them by using the _satellite.getVar(“data element name”) command in the console.
  • Contact customer care



General Troubleshooting

Having issues with a data element not capturing a value? Here are a couple of things to check to help you troubleshoot.

  • Check that you are targeting the correct element on the page by using _satellite.getVar(“data element name”) in the console.
  • If the tracked item is a link, you may need to play with enabling the “Delay link activation” button in the conditions section of the rule
  • Try playing with the “Allow events on child elements to bubble” setting. 

If these are set up and functioning correctly please contact Support for further assistance.