Slow performance in InDesign CS5


When moving page items, the responsiveness of InDesign CS5 is slower than previous versions.


Do one or more of the following:

Solution 1: Install the InDesign CS5 7.0.4 update

An issue involving display of pages when transparency is involved and thumbnails are being shown in the Pages panel was addressed in the 7.0.4 release:

Solution 2: Disable thumbnail previews in the pages panel.

Open the Pages Panel options and deselect Show Thumbnails, which is turned on by default.

Solution 3: Disable the Always Preview Images With Documents preference.

Choose Preferences > File Handling. Then deselect Always Save Preview Images With Documents.

Solution 4: Reenable Patient User mode.

Choose Preferences > Interface. Then set Live Screen Drawing mode to either Delayed or Never.

Solution 5: Disable or reduce the Active Preflight profiles.

Choose Window > Output > Preflight. Then deselect Live Preflight.

Alternatively, ensure that you select only the smallest number of the most important preflight rules.