Out Of Memory (OOM) errors may occur on an AdobeLiveCycle ES Update 1 (Service Pack 2) JBoss turnkey installation or JBoss manual with MySQL installation. This issue is related to the MySQL JDBC driver version and the data source connection settings.
Caution: This update strongly recommends that you shut down the JBoss and MySQL services prior to running the Service Pack 2 installer (as indicated in the install instructions).
You must install version 5.1.6 of the JDBC driver to reduce the number of open result sets and resolve the out of memory issues. You must also change the data source and JVM settings.
This section describes the tasks required to obtain and install the appropriate MySQL JDBC driver.
To obtain and install the driver for non-turnkey JBoss:
Note: On JBoss turnkey, this task is performed by the LiveCycle ES installer and is not required.
The data source settings as defined in the adobe-ds.xml file are intended for a heavy load with many concurrent connections and a long idle connection timeout (10 minutes). This results in a large number of prepared statements being cached on the heap. Reducing the idle connection timeout, the number of maximum open connections, and the size of the prepared statement cache for IDP_DS and EDC_DS will result in a reduction of heap memory allocated to the JDBC connections.
The JBoss turnkey install sets a number of JVM arguments in the run.bat file and in the JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle ES service definition. After you have updated the JDBC driver, you can modify the run.bat file.
To modify the JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle ES service definition you must uninstall and reinstall the service with new JVM arguments specified.
The JBoss server is configured using a batch file, InstallJBossService.bat that is created during system installation. During the turn-key setup of LiveCycle, LiveCycle PDF Generator ES support for native document conversion is an optional feature. The batch file will vary slightly, depending on whether you have enabled this feature.
If during the installation you chose to include this feature, then you will have entered a username and password into the LiveCycle setup. You will need to use this username and password to complete the reinstallation of the JBoss service.
Check if the last part of the .bat file contains -user %1 -password %2. If so, native document conversion has been configured and you will need to enter the username and password when you reinstall the service.
Note: This is not the JBoss service user but the user credentials for the account used to install the native application software (such as Microsoft Office).
Save and close the file.
Note: You will need the username and password that the service is using. To find the username, open the Services control panel, right-click JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle ES, select Properties from the menu and select the Log On tab. The same username and password combination should be used as during the original install.
If native document conversion is enabled you will specify the username and password by entering the following command:
InstallJBossService [domain\username][password]
Where [domain\username] and [password] are the credentials used during the original installation. If the ID is a local user, then it will be specified using the syntax MACHINENAME\USERNAME. A domain login ID must be specified as DOMAIN\USERNAME.