Gradients are a type of color elements that smoothly blends colors. They can be used to create various effects in design work, illustration, video, and photo editing. Every gradient consists of a series of color swatches with stops between them that determine the distance between colors. Gradients can be rendered in several ways, such as linear or radial, depending on the desired effect. All gradients created in Adobe Capture are saved as linear.
Gradients can be exported from Adobe Capture to use in other applications:
Export as Image: Export your gradient as a screen-resolution-size PNG.
Export as SVG: Export your gradient as an SVG with the gradient profile embedded.
To load the gradient into the active swatch, Open the file in Adobe Illustrator and select the canvas. From here you can add it to your swatches, or use the Gradient tool to modify and refine it.
To add it to your Assets, open this file in Adobe XD and select the gradient element or select Fill to edit the gradient.
Export as CSS: Export your gradient as a CSS file to use in experience design.