Photoshop Elements provides several options for working with Asian type. Asian fonts are often referred to as double-byte fonts or CJK fonts, meaning Chinese, Japanese, and Korean fonts.
Tsume reduces the space around a character (but not the character itself) by a specified percentage value. When tsume is added to a character, spacing around both sides of the character is reduced by an equal percentage.
Select a percentage for Tsume from the pop‑up menu, and press the Enter or Return key. The greater the percentage, the tighter the compression between characters. At 100% (the maximum value), there is no space between the character’s bounding box and its em box.
An em box is a space whose height and width roughly correspond to the width of the letter “M” (also called a mutton).
Tate‑chuu‑yoko (also called kumimoji and renmoji) is a block of horizontal type laid out within a vertical type line.

Mojikumi determines spacing between punctuation, symbols, numbers, and other character classes in Japanese type. When mojikumi is on, half-width spacing is applied to these characters.