Turn your photos and images into custom covers for your Facebook page.

Two people floating on inflatable raft between canyon walls, water is clear light blue

What you'll learn

How to set up a custom image size, apply effects or edits, and save your image for use on Facebook.

Set up a custom image size

Open Photoshop. Select File > New. Name the file “cover-photo.” Set the width to 851 pixels, the height to 315 pixels, and resolution to 72 pixels/inch.

These are the minimum dimensions for a cover photo on Facebook. This allows you to design your cover photo in Photoshop without guessing how it will appear on Facebook.

Click OK. A new blank document will open.

Blank file is named “cover-photo”, width is 851 pixels, height is 315 pixels, resolution is 72 pixels/inch

Open a photo

Go to File > Open, and locate a photo or image on your computer that you want to use as a cover photo. If you're following along with the sample asset, locate “make-creative-facebook-cover-photo.jpg.” Click Open.

Rafting image to be used for cover photo is opened

Duplicate your photo

With the photo from Step 2 open, locate the Layers panel at the bottom right corner of the Photoshop workspace. If  you don't see the Layers panel, go to Window > Layers.

Right-click (PC) or control-click (Mac) the Background layer and select Duplicate Layer...

Rafting image is duplicated in the Layers panel

Duplicate your photo (cont.)

In the Duplicate Layer dialog box, select the “cover-photo” you created in Step 1, for the  Destination > Document option. Click OK.

By doing this, you place your personal photo or image (or our sample photo) within your custom-sized document from Step 1. 

Document Destination is cover-photo document created previously. Image is constrained to custom dimensions.

Resize your photo

Two photos are open in your workspace. Click the “cover-photo” tab to continue editing the document from Step 1.

Select Edit > Free Transform, or press control/command + “T” on your keyboard. A bounding box appears around the edges of the photo, as shown. If you can't see the bounding box, zoom out (press command/control + “-” on your keyboard).

Scale the image: Click and drag one of the corners of the bounding box. Constrain the proportions by pressing Shift while scaling the image. Reposition the image: Click and drag the image in the bounding box. When you're done, press Enter.

Image may be adjusted using Edit > Free Transform or pressing control/command T on the keyboard

Get creative!

You have resized your image. Now, draw shapes, add type, and experiment with other creative effects to personalize your image. Use the links at the bottom of this page to explore tips and techniques for creatively editing in Photoshop or Lightroom.

For this sample, I added text and shapes, and used blending modes for a fading effect.

Hint: While designing, keep in mind that your profile picture will cover the bottom left corner of your cover photo!

Rafting image is edited and sized to fit Facebook cover photo. Bounding box is drawn to show profile pic location

Save your image

Once you're finished, select File > Save As...

In the Format menu, select a file type for your image. For a photo, select JPEG file format; if you  added text, a logo, or other shapes, we recommend the PNG file format. Click Save.

A second dialog box might appear, depending on the selected file format. If so, specify your  additional options and click OK.

File is saved as JPEG format for photo only, or PNG format if text or other shapes are included.


Now you're ready to upload your image to Facebook!

By setting up a custom image size, you can try lots of different image editing techniques, and control  how your image appears on your Facebook wall. Use the links below to experiment with different ideas and techniques for applying creative effects and edits! 

Facebook profile of a woman with personalized rafting cover photo reading “Grand Canyon Adventures Summer 2015”

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