Adobe Acrobat Sign Recipient FAQ

The most common questions from agreement recipients are listed below.

If your question is not represented, please post your question to the forum.

How can I cancel a reminder?

To stop incoming reminders, recipients can select the Click here link in the email text and cancel the current reminder for the agreement.

Cancel Reminder


It is possible for the sender to configure a new reminder which would then need to be canceled. 

If you do not want to sign the agreement, consider declining the agreement.

How can I decline an agreement?

To decline an agreement (stopping all reminders and canceling the agreement in the system), recipients should:

  1. Open the agreement by selecting the Review and sign link.

  2. Select the Options menu in the upper-left corner of the agreement window.

  3. Select Decline to sign from the Options menu

    Decline to sign

  4. Provided a reason for canceling the agreement if prompted to do so.

  5. Select Decline to decline participation, and cancel the agreement.

    The page updates to indicate the recipient has successfully declined.

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