You could face the following issues when working with video assets in Team Projects:
- Video added from a Creative Cloud Library to a Team Project in After Effects could be offline when that Team Project is open in Premiere Pro.
- Video added from a Creative Cloud Library to a Team Project in Premiere Pro could be offline when that Team Project is open in After Effects.
Premiere Pro does not support Color Swatches present in Creative Cloud Libraries. You could use Colors available in Premiere Pro. For more information, see Adjust and color correct in Premiere Pro.
Save the asset in your local folder and relink the asset again. The best practice is to move the contents of the Creative Cloud Libraries folder to the desktop or any other location on your machine.
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Creative Cloud Libraries
MAC HD\USERS\Username\Library\Application Support\Adobe\Creative Cloud Libraries
Take a backup of the Creative Cloud Libraries folder.
Try to rename Adobe folders to “old_ Creative Cloud Libraries” in the following location:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Creative Cloud Libraries
MAC HD\USERS\Username\Library\Application Support\Adobe\Creative Cloud Libraries
Take a backup of the Creative Cloud Libraries folder. This folder is automatically created once the product is launched which user libraries.