Zoom plug-in for XD
Learn how to work with Zoom meeting in XD.

Zoom meeting in Adobe XD allows you to start new meetings, collaborate designs and ideas with co-editors, designers, and others. Now, access your Google or Outlook calendar and present your designs via screen-share within XD.

Work with Zoom plug-in

  1. In the XD workspace, open the Plug-in panel.

  2. In the Plug-in panel, click + and install Zoom.

  3. Once installed, the Zoom plug-in is enabled in XD.

  1. To log in to your Zoom account, click Sign In.

  2. Enter your credentials or sign in through your Google, Facebook, or SSO account.

  3. To sign out of your Zoom account, click the Settings icon at the bottom of the Plug-in panel and select Sign out.

When you sign in, a window displays prompting you to connect the Zoom account to your Google or Outlook Calendar. Once connected, you can view a list of scheduled meetings and participants.

Connect your calendar
Connect your calendar

To join the meeting directly via XD, click Join the meeting or enter the meeting ID and click Join.

Share your XD designs with designers and other users. With Zoom plug-in, you can start a meeting with co-editors added to the XD design.

Click Start Meeting and invite co-editors or designers easily. You can also invite new participants by adding their email addresses. The participants are notified via email.

Start a meeting
Add participants

With Join and share screen option, you can join any Zoom meetings with screen-share enabled. 

Join and screen share
Join and share screen