Save your completed documents to One Drive for Business


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Create a Power Automate flow that automatically saves a copy of all Completed agreements for a user to a designated OneDrive for Business folder.


This template automates the process of saving signed agreements from the Adobe Acrobat Sign service to a OneDrive for Business file of your choosing. Whenever an agreement signature cycle is completed in Acrobat Sign, the flow retrieves the signed document PDF, creates a new file in OneDrive for Business, and saves the PDF to the specified location on OneDrive.

An agreement is considered complete when all recipients defined by the agreement complete their designated activities (sign, approve, fill out the form, etc.) for the agreement.

Use case examples

  • Generate patient consent forms concerning vaccine information, surgery procedures, allergy information, insurance authorizations, save medical invoices, etc.
  • Generate student enrollment forms, course enrollment forms, and contract extensions for on-campus jobs, club, or research participant enrollment forms.
  • Generate acknowledgment for shipment delivery and receipt, tracking inventory levels, and quality check acknowledgment.


  • Requires a valid OneDrive for Business account.
  • The destination folder for the signed PDFs must exist on OneDrive before running the flow.

Enable the flow

  1. Navigate to Workflows > Power Automate > Create Workflow.

    Navigation steps to the Power Automate Create Workflow page.

  2. On the What would you like to automate today? page, type one into the search bar.

  3. Select the workflow you want to enable.

    The Create Workflow page showing the search results and the Start button highlighted

  4. The Create a flow page loads showing:

    • The editable Flow name. This is the same name as the original template, which can be edited.
    • The Connectors that are required for the flow to be completed. 
      • Connector is a wrapper around the API code, providing a friendly interface to collect the information required to authenticate each necessary service and to personalize the flow for a specific user's needs. You must establish the authenticated connection first. You are prompted to provide any required information the connector demands in a following step.
      • To authenticate a Connector, select the three dots next to the Connector. An authentication panel for the service (application) will pop up where the user's credentials can be entered.
        Once successfully authenticated, a persistent connection is established between the service and Power Automate.
        A green check next to the three dots indicates an authenticated connection exists.

    Authenticate each Connector under the Sign in section.

  5. Select Next when all Connectors are authenticated.

    The Power Automate between Acrobat Sign and OneDrive with the authentication panel exposed

  6. The page refreshes to display the required fields from the Connectors.

    This flow requires:

    • OneDrive for Business Folder Path: The path to the folder where the signed PDFs should be stored in your OneDrive account.


    The Create a flow page showing the fields required to configure the Connectors.

    Selecting Edit in advanced mode will open the detailed view of the connectors and all of the available fields that can be used to fine-tune the flow.

    Only users with a strong understanding of Power Automate should attempt advanced editing.

    The advanced editing view showing all connectors

  7. Select Create flow when all required field values have been supplied.

    Creating the flow may take a few seconds.  Once done, the management page for the flow is displayed. 

    Flow management page.


    Flows are created with an "enabled" status. If you don't want your flow to be active, select the Turn off option in the top bar of actions.

Using the template

This template is triggered by an event (when an agreement status is updated to "complete.")

When properly configured and enabled, the flow runs automatically whenever the trigger event happens. No user interaction is required.

The flow will continue to run until disabled, provided the customer's Power Automate account has transactions available (either through the integration's included entitlements or volume purchased directly from Microsoft).

Test the template

After providing the required details in the flow template, be sure to select the Create flow button to enable the flow for use. Once the flow is enabled, you are ready to test.

  1. Check your OneDrive folder to identify that the signed agreement has been added to it.

Troubleshooting common errors

  • After the workflow agreement is completed, the flow is sometimes not triggered.

    In such cases, find if there are any trigger errors (with messages) that are shown on the details page and fix them.

  • Connector configuration: Sometimes, when there is more than one OneDrive for Business account, the current session may be logged in with a different account. The result is that the file won't be available in the actual account.

    Make sure you're logged in to the proper account in such cases.

  • Providing an incorrect folder path could result in flow failures. For example, /Apps/TestFiles/ would result in an error if TestFiles or Apps doesn't exist.

    It is always safer to choose/ navigate through the path available in the drop-down.

  • Permissions: Ensure Adobe Acrobat Sign has the correct permissions to access the OneDrive for Business folder. Otherwise, the document couldn't be saved to the mentioned location.

    Usually, a green check on the right side of a connector is one of the good indicators that the connector is configured as expected. Any error will be shown with an exclamation; click it for more information.

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