Empower senders to upload physically signed documents


Adobe Acrobat Sign Guide

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Send, Sign, and Manage Agreements

Advanced Agreement Capabilities and Workflows

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Allow senders to upload a physically signed document on behalf of their recipient.

Some organizations (or document requirements) mandate physical signatures instead of electronic ones. Additionally, some recipients may prefer not to sign electronically for personal reasons. In these cases, the recipient may return a physically signed document instead of completing the upload process themselves.

To keep the signature process accurate and properly recorded in Acrobat Sign, senders can upload the signed document on behalf of the recipient. This ensures the agreement resumes correctly in the workflow while maintaining a complete audit trail.

How it's used

Only the original sender of the agreement has the authority to upload a physically signed version.

Upon receipt of the physical document, the sender accesses the agreement on their Manage page and uploads it using the Upload Signed Document link in the Actions list on the right of the page.

The audit report tracks this activity, and the agreement resumes the configured signature flow or completes the agreement as per the agreement design.

Review the user's process here >

Best practices

Organizations that do not strictly require electronic or digital signatures may benefit from keeping the written signature option enabled to reduce friction in the signing process. If a group allows written signatures, enabling the Upload Signed Document feature ensures flexibility in handling physically signed agreements.

Managing Written and Digital Signatures

  • For agreements requiring digital signatures, turn off the option to request written signatures and prevent recipients from converting the signature flow.
  • For organizations using multiple groups, the Users in Multiple Groups setting can help manage signature options by restricting written signature availability for specific groups.
  • For organizations that do not accept written signatures, it is recommended to disable:
    • The Upload Signed Document feature.
    • The ability to send agreements for written signatures.
    • The option for recipients to switch to a written signature format.

Configuring these settings ensures agreements align with compliance requirements while maintaining process efficiency.



Uploading a signed document is available for all license plans.

Configuration scope:

To access the feature controls, navigate to Global Settings > Upload Signed Document.

Upload a signed document

Related settings

Two settings related to the written signature option that should be considered. If you want to disable the option to upload signed documents, you should probably disable the below settings:

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