Define the complexity of user-applied passwords


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Set password complexity for document access.

Acrobat Sign enables users to set passwords for accessing downloaded documents, including agreement PDFs, identity reports, and encrypted PDFs.

The Document Password Strength setting controls password length and complexity for all user-entered passwords in the system.



This feature is available in the Acrobat Sign Solutions tier of service.

Configuration scope:

Admins can enable this feature at the account and group levels.

Navigate to Security Settings > Document Password Strength to configure this setting.

Control options:

This setting offers the following options:

  • None - Any password is allowed.
  • Standard - At least 6 characters.
  • Medium - At least 7 characters, must include upper case, or number.
  • Strong - At least 8 characters, must include lower case, upper case, and numbers.
  • Stronger – at least 14 characters, must include lower case, upper case, and numbers.

Symbols or "special characters" are allowed, such as ` ~  ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = [ ] \    ;  '  ,  . / { }  |  : " < >?   

Spaces count as characters in terms of the total character count but are not counted as a letter, number, or symbol.

The selected setting takes effect immediately upon saving.

Users must comply with the selected security level but cannot modify this setting.

The Security Settings admin menu highlighting the Document Password Strength controls.

Best practices

  • Passwords are not recoverable by Adobe, so users must securely store them
  • For easier password recovery, create a pattern authorized users can decipher without contacting the original sender. For example, combine the user's email with their customer number.

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