Set the Completion Deadline (Document Expiration)


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Define a signature deadline that automatically cancels the agreement after a defined number of days.

The Completion deadline feature in Acrobat Sign allows senders to set a time limit for recipients to complete their signatures before the agreement is automatically canceled. This helps control signing deadlines, particularly for time-sensitive agreements, such as seasonal contracts or special offers. It also streamlines agreement management by removing old or unlikely-to-complete agreements from the In Progress list, making active agreements easier to track.


  • Acrobat Standard and Acrobat Pro: Not Supported
  • Acrobat Sign Solutions: Supported; Disabled by default
  • Acrobat Sign for Government: Supported; Disabled by default

Configuration scope:

The configurable options for this feature can be found here >


The expiration date can be manually set for up to 180 days in the future.

Agreements that don't have an expiration date set automatically expire after 365 days.

The sender experience for Document Expiration will vary depending on if you are configuring a commercial Acrobat Sign Solutions account, or an Acrobat Sign for Government account.

Please select the tier of service you are using from the below options to review the configuration options in their respective environments:

Expiration timing

Document expiration always occurs during off-peak hours based on the server that sent the agreement. Off-peak hours are 7 PM to 7 AM in the server's local time zone.

By default, agreements sent through the modern Request Signatures process are assigned an expiration time of 11:59 PM, though senders may be allowed to set custom expiration dates and times. However, agreements sent through the API, integrations, or legacy interfaces don't default to 11:59 PM; instead, they adopt the timestamp of when the agreement was initially sent.

If an agreement is set to expire during peak hours, it's queued for expiration but automatically delayed by 12 hours, ensuring the expiration event is processed during off-peak hours.

Status and Editing During Expiration Queuing

  • While an agreement is queued for expiration, its status remains In Process on the Manage page and API responses.
  • Recipients cannot sign a queued agreement and will receive an error message stating that the agreement cannot be signed.
  • During the 12-hour queuing window, the sender can edit the Expiration Date on the Manage page to extend the deadline and allow recipients additional time to sign.

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