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- Creative Cloud Libraries
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- Čo sú dokumenty v cloude
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- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Spolupráca v službe Creative Cloud Libraries a v priečinkoch
- Najčastejšie otázky o spolupráci
- Synchronizácia súborov pomocou cloudového úložiska
- Zistite, koľko máte cloudového úložiska
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Learn how to share links to your Creative Cloud files, folders, and libraries. Anyone with the link can view the assets from a browser, even if they don't have a Creative Cloud subscription. Collaborators can comment or download copies.
Od 11. decembra 2023 nebudú mať noví používatelia a organizácie nárok na synchronizované súbory Creative Cloud. Od 1. februára 2024 sa prestanú používať synchronizované súbory Creative Cloud pre osobné kontá, ktoré existovali pred 11. decembrom 2023 (viac informácií nájdete tu). Od 1. októbra 2024 sa prestanú používať synchronizované súbory Creative Cloud pre podnikové kontá spojené s organizáciami, ktoré existovali pred 11. decembrom 2023 (viac informácií nájdete tu).
Share links to a synced file or folder
You can create and share a link to any folder you have, except for shared private folders where you have view-only permissions. If the owner later decides to make the folder private, the link you shared earlier won't work.
Hover the mouse over the folder or file you want to share and select the checkbox.
Select Share.
If you encounter the message Administrators already have access, it indicates that you're inviting an administrator. However, you can still copy the link and share it with them.
Set the Link Settings you want for the file:
- Allow Commenting Lets link recipients add comments to the file.
- Allow Save To Creative Cloud Lets link recipients save the file to their Creative Cloud account.
All public links allow downloading of the linked file. If you created a link with Allow Download turned off, the download button isn't shown for those files.
Select Copy Link, and share the copied link with the desired recipients.
Poznámka:Link recipients cannot upload, update, or delete your assets. You can revoke access anytime you want.
Share links to a cloud document
You can create and share a link to any cloud document file, but you cannot share a link to a cloud document folder. Follow the steps below to share a link to your cloud document.
Sign in to Creative Cloud on the web.
Select the file you want to share. To select it, hover the mouse over it, and check the box that appears.
Select Share to get the link.
Select Change.
Change Link Settings to customize file sharing:
- Only invited people can access Lets only selected recipients to access the file.
- Public: anyone with the link can view Lets anyone with the link to access the file.
- Comment Lets link recipients add comments to the file. This option should be enabled to share the file for commenting.
- Save a copy Lets link recipients save the file to their Creative Cloud account.
To share links to Creative Cloud files from the Creative Cloud desktop app, go to the Files tab and select the file you want to share. Select Share to get the link. Once you see the Share document dialogue box, follow the on-screen instructions to share links with the desired recipients.
Share links to libraries and library assets
Your collaborators can follow shared libraries and library assets. Whenever you update them, followers automatically get an update across all supported Creative Cloud apps.
Sign in to the Creative Cloud website.
Select the More actions icon (
) for the library or the library asset that you want to share, and select Share. Then, select Get link.
Set the Link Settings you want for the library contents or assets:
- Allow Follow Lets link recipients receive notifications for any changes to the shared library.
- Allow Save To Creative Cloud Lets link recipients save the file to their Creative Cloud account.
Select Copy Link and share with the intended recipients. Anyone with the link can view the library contents or the library asset.
Share Creative Cloud assets on Slack
You can share your Creative Cloud files, folders, libraries, and assets on Slack. For more information, see Share Adobe Creative Cloud assets on Slack.
Share InDesign document links for review
You can share your InDesign documents for review with stakeholders while controlling access to the shared documents. For more information, see Share InDesign documents for review.
Share AR creations using Aero
You can share your Augmented Reality (AR) experiences with other people to view on their mobile device in the Aero iOS app. For more information, see Share your AR creations.
Share XD and Dimension files
Prototypes and design specs you create and share using Adobe XD are listed under Published in your assets. Similarly, 3D scenes you create with Adobe Dimension are listed under Published.
Sign in to the Creative Cloud website.
Navigate to the Published tab.
To send a link to recipients, select the More actions icon (
) for the file, and then select Copy Link.
For more information on sharing XD links, see Share prototypes and design specs using Adobe XD.