Delete Acrobat Sign agreements and library templates


Acrobat web users can delete their Acrobat Sign agreements and library templates by selecting Delete from the Actions list.

Deleting a library template triggers a true deletion of the template, and it can not be recovered if the deletion is verified.

Deleting an agreement triggers a "soft deletion" which moves the agreement into a Deleted queue and holds it for 14 days. After 14 days, the agreement and all associated documents (field data, supporting documents, audit report, etc.) are completely deleted from the database.

Any time before the 14-day holding time elapses, the user can retrieve the agreement from the Deleted folder and restore it to the visible queue.

Deleting a template

  1. Navigate to the Documents tab.

  2. Select the Templates filter in the left rail.

  3. Select the individual template you want to delete to open the Actions list in the right rail.

  4. Select Delete from the Actions list.

    Select the Delete action for the tempalte

  5. A challenge is presented to affirm that you want to permanently delete the template.

    Select Delete.

    Delete the template challenge

Deleting an agreement

  1. Navigate to the Documents tab.

  2. Select the filter in the left rail that contains the agreement to be deleted.

  3. Select the individual agreement you want to delete to open the Actions list in the right rail.

  4. Select Delete from the Actions list.


    Deleting an agreement that is In progress will automatically cancel the agreement.

    Delete an agreement activity

  5. A challenge is presented to affirm that you want to delete the agreement.

    Select Delete Agreement.

    Delete the agreement challenge

Recovering a deleted agreement or template

  1. Navigate to the Documents tab.

  2. Select the Deleted option in the left rail.

  3. Select the individual agreement you want to restore to open the Actions list in the right rail.

  4. Select Restore from the Actions list.


    There are two other options available for agreements in the Deleted queue:

    • Open Agreement - Opens a view of the agreement.
    • Download PDF - Downloads a copy of the PDF.
    Select Restore

  5. A success message indicating the agreement has been restored appears at the bottom of the window.

Logging the delete and recover events on the Activity list and the audit report

The audit report of an agreement does not log the events to delete and restore an agreement.  When deleting an agreement, if the agreement is In progress, the first action is to cancel the agreement, then move the agreement to the deleted queue. Once an agreement enters a terminal status (canceled, expired, etc) the audit report is finalized and no further updates can be inserted. The only event you will see is the cancelation event.

The Activity log continues to log events for the agreement despite the agreement status. As a result, the log does record the deleted and restore events (every time).

Audit report and Activity list

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