View and edit Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files stored in Document Cloud

Microsoft Office for the web is now integrated with Acrobat web. It enables you to easily view and edit Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files directly in the browser.


Viewing Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files

  1. Sign in to Acrobat Web at with your Adobe ID and password, or with your social (Facebook or Google) account.

  2. Click Documents in the top menu bar of Adobe Acrobat home, and click the file's name to open it.

    Document preview in MS Office 365

  3. To go back to the Acrobat Web home page, click the Home icon at the upper-left corner of the window.

Editing Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files

Any changes to the file are autosaved in the Document Cloud.

  1. Sign in to Acrobat Web at with your Adobe ID and password, or with your social (Facebook or Google) account.

  2. Click Documents in the top menu bar of Adobe Acrobat home, and do one of the following:

    • Click the file's name to open it. Click Edit in the menu bar in the upper-right corner.
    Click Edit in the document preview window

    • Select the file. In the right pane, choose Edit in <application name> for the web. For example, if you have selected a Word (.docx) file, choose Edit in Word for the web. The file opens for editing.
    View Microsoft document in Acrobat Web

  3. After you are done with editing, to go back to the Acrobat Web home page, click the Home icon at the upper-left corner of the window.

Editing a PDF as a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file

You can export a PDF to Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, and then can easily edit it in the browser.

Step 1. Convert the PDF to Word, Excel, or PowerPoint

  1. In the top navigation bar of the Acrobat Web home page, click Convert > Export PDF.

  2. Select the PDF you want to convert.

  3. Choose the appropriate option in the Export To drop-down list, and click Export To <selected-format>.

For more information, see Convert PDF to Word/Excel online.

Step 2. Edit the exported file

Click Documents in the top menu bar of Adobe Acrobat home, and then do the following:

  • Click the file's name to open it. Click Edit in the menu bar in the upper-right corner.

Step 3. Convert the edited file back to PDF

  1. In the top navigation bar of the Acrobat Web home page, click Convert and then choose the appropriate option - Word/Excel/PPT to PDF.

  2. Select the file you want to convert.

  3. In the Convert to PDF dialog box, click Continue. The selected file is converted to PDF.

For more information, see Create PDFs online.

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