Feature summary | Dreamweaver | 19.0 release

Learn about new features and enhancements in the October 2018 release of Dreamweaver (version 19.0)


Dreamweaver version 19.0.1 includes support for Bootstrap 4.2.1 and fixes issues found in the previous versions of Dreamweaver. This update is recommended for all users. 

For more information, see Design responsive websites using Bootstrap. For information on the bugs fixed in this version of Dreamweaver, see Fixed issues in Dreamweaver

The October 2018 release of Dreamweaver (version 19.0) rolls out exciting new features for web designers and developers. Read on for a quick introduction to these features and links to resources offering more information.

JavaScript refactoring

As a web developer, you can now intelligently rename functions and variables with scope awareness using JavaScript refactor. You can convert anonymous expression or function block to an arrow expression in a click. Create Get/Set functions for the selected identifier in context of a class/construct. You can now extract an expression as a variable in the current scope and select a piece of code and create a Try/Catch block for it.

You can refactor code in HTML, PHP, and JavaScript document types. You can choose Refactor from the menu that appears when you right-click on the code area in Dreamweaver. Some of the useful productivity enhancements in Refactor are Rename, Extract to Variable, Extract to Function, Wrap in Try Catch, Wrap in Condition, Convert to Arrow Function, and Create Getters/Setters.

For more information, see How to write and edit code in Dreamweaver

JavaScript refactoring options
JavaScript refactoring options

ECMAScript 6 support

ECMAScript 6 is the sixth edition of the ECMA-262 standard, and features major changes and improvements to the ECMAScript specification. ECMAScript is a scripting language specification standardized by ECMA international. 

Dreamweaver now supports ECMAScript 6 syntax. Web developers can now work with the latest JavaScript updates by taking advantage of ECMAScript 6 features. 

Dreamweaver also supports linting of ECMAScript code, with ESLint defaulting as JavaScript linter.

For more information, see Lint code

New CEF integration

As a web designer or web developer, when you want to extend the web by creating HTML tags or CSS properties, you require latest web development features. To view the output for latest features, Dreamweaver developers had to use Real-time Preview instead of Live view. 

Dreamweaver is now integrated with a new version of Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF). With the new CEF, Live View now renders pages designed using CSS Grid layouts. Also, you can view a better CSS grid layout with this change. 

CSS grid layout with new CEF integration
CSS grid layout with new CEF integration

Security enhancements

Dreamweaver now provides multiple security enhancements enabling it to support most of the hosting providers. 

OpenSSH and OpenSSL Dreamweaver is now integrated with the new OpenSSH (version 7.6) enabling seamless SFTP connections to multiple hosting servers. OpenSSL is upgraded from the version 1.0.2 K to 1.0.2o.

LibCURL - Dreamweaver is now integrated with the new Lib Curl version (Upgraded from 7.38 to 7.60), providing secure connectivity to users.

Node.js version has been upgraded to 6.14.0.

zlib version has been upgraded to 1.2.11.

Home screen

When you launch Dreamweaver, it now displays an improved Home screen, which includes options to:

  • Open a wide range of tutorials to help you quickly learn and understand the concept, workflow, tips, and tricks
  • Create a new document or open an existing document

The contents of the Home screen are tailored based on your familiarity with Dreamweaver and your Creative Cloud membership plan. 

For more information, see The Dreamweaver workspace.

Launch screen for Dreamweaver
Launch screen for Dreamweaver

Miscellaneous changes

Find and Replace

Previous functionality of Save and Load query in Find and Replace dialog is back again in this release. For more information, see Find and replace text, tags and attributes

Real-time preview enhancement

Real-time preview now provides an option to switch to preview documents in browser. For more information, see Preview pages.

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