DTM Community Ask the Expert Session Recordings

The following table is a list of all DTM Community Ask the Expert sessions. 




Ask the Expert: Rudi Shumpert

May 17, 2016

Rudi Shumpert, Senior Architect & Evangelist for Adobe Marketing Cloud, walks through new features in DTM and pre-submitted Q&A in this ATE session. 

Ask the Expert: Parit Mittal

Aug 3, 2016

Parit Mittal, Associate Community Manager for Adobe Marketing Cloud, walks through implementing DTM on Single Page Apps

Ask the Expert:
Jon Viray, Cleve Young & Rudi Shumpert

Dec 15th, 2016

Jon Viray, Product Marketing Manager for Adobe, walks through 3 real world uses cases the Marketing Cloud ID Service (MCID) solves.

Cleve Young, Director of Digital Tag Managment for Starwood Hotels, walks through Starwood's experience deploying MCID.

Rudi Shumpert, Senior Architect & Evangelist for Adobe Marketing Cloud, walks through requirements and common issues when deploying MCID

Open question & answer.

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