InDesign CC Server Release Notes

Welcome to Adobe® InDesign® CC Server. This document contains late-breaking product information, updates, and troubleshooting tips not covered in the InDesign Server documentation.

Minimum system requirements

For an updated list of system requirements, visit

What's new

64-bit support on Mac and Windows

InDesign CC Server is now a 64-bit application to leverage RAM beyond 3 GB on both Mac and Windows. With support for 64-bit architecture, general processing becomes faster and more RAM can be made available to the application.

Non-blocking session support

In InDesign CS6 Server, when a client requests server to begin a new session, the session gets blocked if the server currently does not have a free worker thread in the thread-pool. The client remains blocked until a session is initiated and this could be a problem for some clients depending on their workflow. Once a thread is returned to the pool by some module in the application, the new thread is picked and a session is initiated.

Now in InDesign CC Server, the client can dynamically communicate to the server whether the client wants to get blocked or not. Also, the client can specify maximum time limit for which it is willing to get blocked.

For session support configuration, you can provide the following two (optional) command line arguments at the time of server launch:

  • ‘-noblockss’ or ‘/noblockss’: if the argument is provided, the BeginSession request will be non-blocking in nature. If this argument is not provided, the server will continue to work as per the older CS6 implementation. Also, for non-blocking session support, if a session could not be initiated, the client would receive an appropriate error message.
  • ‘-maxwaitss’ or ‘/maxwaitss’ (in seconds): It specifies the time for which a client is willing to wait for a session to begin. The default wait time is 3 seconds. If a session is initiated before the maximum wait time at the server end, the call will be returned to the client. Therefore, this time represents the maximum time for which a client will have to wait.

No limit on path during HTML export

In CS6 or earlier, name of a resource file is restricted to 31 characters and the characters beyond this limit are trimmed from the name. Now this limit is removed in InDesign CC Server.

IPv6 compliance for all components

In CS6, some components or modules of the server are not IPv6 compliant. Those components are made IPv6 compliant. Now InDesign CC Server is completely IPv6 compliant.

License agreement

Internet connection, Adobe ID and acceptance of license agreement required to activate and use this product. This product may integrate with or allow access to certain Adobe or third-party hosted online services. Adobe services are available only to users 13 and older and require agreement to additional terms of use and Adobe’s online privacy policy ( Applications and Services may not be available in all countries or languages and may be subject to change or discontinuation without notice. Additional fees or membership charges may apply.

Font installation

The InDesign CC Server installer installs fonts into a default system font directory. Many of these fonts are newer versions of fonts installed by InDesign CS6 Server. If the installer finds older versions of these fonts in the default system font directory, it will uninstall the older versions, and save them to a new directory.

The default system font directory is:

Mac: /Library/Fonts

Windows: :\Windows\Fonts

The older fonts will be saved in the new directory:

Mac: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/SavedFonts/current

Windows: :\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\SavedFonts\current

This new directory will also contain a file named "Read Me.html" which lists the saved fonts, and the version numbers of the new and old font files.

You can re-install the older fonts by deleting the new font files from the default system font directory, and moving the old files back into that directory.

To find out how to install additional fonts, visit the installation page

Additional install/uninstall scenarios

InDesign CC Server needs to be activated before it can be used. If the computer is online, activation is done automatically when you install. You need to provide your Adobe ID, and serial number when prompted by the installer. Unless the software is activated, you'll see an error, "Adobe InDesign Server’ is not properly licensed and will now quit."

If your computer is not connected to the internet, download and install Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition (APTEE). You can serialize and activate the software using APTEE. You can download APTEE from the Creative Suite Enterprise Deployment page.


Software will not get deactivated during an offline uninstall. The computer must be online during uninstall to deactivate, else will lose an activation count.

Activate trial using APTEE

To activate the Trial version, download and install Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition (APTEE). You can use the trial for a period of 90 days.

  1. In a terminal or console window, enter:
    • Windows: adobe_prtk - -tool=StartTrial - -leid=InDesignServer-CS7-Win-GM
    • Mac OS: adobe_prtk - -tool=StartTrial - -leid=InDesignServer-CS7-Mac-GM
  2. If trial is successfully activated, the following message displays:

StartTrial Successful

Return Code = 0

Serialize using APTEE (Online)

Your computer must be online when you follow this procedure.

  1. In a terminal or console window, enter:
    • Windows: adobe_prtk --tool=Serialize --leid=InDesignServer-CS7-Win-GM --serial=<serialNumber> --adobeid=<email>
    • Mac OS: adobe_prtk --tool=Serialize --leid=InDesignServer-CS7-Mac-GM --serial=<serialNumber> --adobeid=<email>

  2. If serialization is successful, the following message displays:

Return Code = 0

    Serialize using APTEE (Offline)

    If your computer is offline, you can serialize and activate the software using the following procedure. You'll need access to an internet connected device. Generate a request code, and then submit it to receive a response code. Enter the response code to serialize and activate the software

    1. In a terminal or console window enter: adobe_prtk --tool=Type1Exception --generate --serial=<serialNumber>. Note the request code generated.
    2. On a device connected to the internet, go to, and click Generate a Response Code.
      1. Sign-in with your AdobeID
      2. Enter the Request Code generated in step 1
      3. Enter serial number
      4. Click Generate Response Code. Note the response code.
    3. Return to the primary computer, and in the terminal/console window enter:
      • Windows: adobe_prtk --tool=Type1Exception --accept --serial=<serialNumber> --responsecode=<responseCode> --leid=InDesignServer-CS7-Win-GM
      • Mac OS: adobe_prtk --tool=Type1Exception --accept --serial=<serialNumber> --responsecode=<responseCode> --leid=InDesignServer-CS7-Mac-GM
    4. If serialization and activation is successful, the following message displays:

    Return Code = 0

    Known issues

    Please refer to Adobe Support for late-breaking information and known issues for all Creative Cloud applications.

    • Mac 10.6 shows some leaks while launching InDesign Server. (#3535491)
    • The Kill instance functionality does not work on IPv6 IP addresses. (#3139916)
    • Updating an external link does not automatically update placed objects. (#3142118)
    • InDesign Server crashes on loading page items in content collector. (#3492892)
    • An IOR folder is not used if its path contains a localized character. (#3494531)
    • InDesign Server crashes on updating links after scaling the parent horizontally (a frame having an image in it). (#3490304)
    • On using the ‘-help’ command, the help menu is printed twice on the console. (#3576587)

    Customer care

    Customer Service

    Adobe Customer Service provides assistance with product information, sales, registration, and other non-technical issues. To find out how to contact Adobe Customer Service, please visit for your region or country and click on Contact.

    Support Plan Options and Technical Resources 

    If you require technical assistance for your product, including information on complimentary and fee-based support plans and troubleshooting resources, more information is available at To contact customer care, visit

    Free troubleshooting resources include Adobe’s support knowledgebase, Adobe user-to-user forums, Adobe Support Advisor and more.  We are continually making additional tools and information available online in order to provide you with flexible options for resolving issues as fast as possible.

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