Data Distiller | Product Description

Adobe Experience Platform

Effective 26 February 2024

Products and Services License Metric
Data Distiller Compute Hours Per Year
Add-ons available generally:
Additional Data Lake Storage Per Terabyte
Additional Ad Hoc Query Users Per Pack

What is Data Distiller? 

Data Distiller allows Customer to perform post-ingestion data exploration and processing (exploration, cleaning, shaping, and manipulation and enrichment) for audiences, engagements, analytics, reporting, and data science use cases, by executing Batch Queries and Ad Hoc Queries in Query Service. Data Distiller is an Add-on offering with Adobe Experience Platform and is dependent on Customer’s current and continued license of at least one of the following: all editions of Customer Journey Analytics, Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform, Adobe Journey Optimizer, or Adobe Mix Modeler (“Underlying Application License”) or predecessor license.

Customer’s use of Data Distiller is subject to the following:


The following apply to Customer’s use of Data Distiller:

  • Initial Implementation Period. Prior to the Initial License Term Start Date, Customer is granted a limited license to access Data Distiller for the sole purpose of implementation and testing at no additional cost to Customer, subject to all other terms and conditions of the Agreement. The Compute Hours utilized during this period should not exceed 2,000 Compute hours.

Scoping Parameters.

The following Scoping Parameters apply to Customer’s use of Data Distiller without Add-ons:

  • Compute Hours. Customer may run Batch Queries executed in any Sandbox (scheduled or otherwise) via PSQL or Query Service API, to scan and write data using the allotted Compute Hours per year, as determined in the deal scoping process. Compute Hours is measured cumulatively across all Customer’s authorized Sandboxes. The Compute Hours allocated per year will be prorated if a License Term is less than 12 months (e.g., if a Customer’s license period is for 2.5 years due to coterminous licensing with the Underlying Application License(s), then Customer’s Compute Hours will be 10,000 per year for the first two years and then 5,000 Compute Hours for the last six months).
  • Data Export. Customer may export to any non-Adobe destination (directly or indirectly) proportional to the purchased Compute Hours by a factor of 100 megabytes per Compute Hour (e.g. a Customer with 10,000 hours will have 1 terabyte of dataset export). This entitlement is additive to Customer’s other data export limits in the applicable Underlying Application License(s), or Add-ons the Customer may have purchased.
  • Data Ingested. Data ingested into Adobe Experience Platform which can be queried using Data Distiller is subject to the limitations set forth in Customer’s Underlying Application License(s).
  • Data Lake storage. Total Data Lake production storage scoped for persisting derived datasets created using Data Distiller is 200 megabytes per Compute Hour (for example, a Customer with 10,000 hours will have 2 terabytes of Data Lake storage. This Data Lake entitlement is additive to Customer’s other Data Lake storage entitlement in Customer’s Underlying Application License(s) or Add-ons purchased by Customer, as applicable). Total Data Lake non-production storage is 10% of Customer’s total Data Lake production storage.
  • Query Service Users. Customer is provided an additional entitlement of, 5 concurrent Query Service Users and 1 concurrently running Ad Hoc Query, to the Ad Hoc Query entitlement(s) from Customer’s Underlying Application License(s), or Add-ons Customer licenses, as applicable.
  • Accelerated Store. Total storage scoped for persisting reporting datasets into the Accelerated Store is 500 gigabytes.

Performance Guardrails.

  • Sandboxes. Customer may use the Sandboxes provided in its Underlying Application License(s) with Data Distiller.

Static Limits.

  • Ad Hoc Queries. Ad Hoc Queries will time out after 10 minutes.
  • Batch Queries. Scheduled Batch Queries time out after 24 hours.
  • Accelerated Queries. A maximum of 4 concurrent api calls can be made to the accelerated query endpoint in the Query Service API. If Customer is calling the accelerated query endpoint through a third party client (BI tool, ML notebook, SQL editor), it will also use up one or more concurrent Ad Hoc Query users to setup the connection to the third party client and if Customer requires more concurrency, they can either purchase more Ad Hoc Query user packs or the Customer can deploy a BI server.


  • Accelerated Queries means queries generated from dashboards in Adobe Experience Platform or external BI tools to read aggregated data from the accelerated store to be displayed in dashboards.
  • Accelerated Store means dedicated store for storing reporting models and datasets.
  • Ad Hoc Queries means ad hoc (select) queries generated from the Query Service Editor, PSQL client, or AI/ML notebook, as applicable.
  • Batch Queries means CTAS or insert queries generated from the Query Service Editor, PSQL client, Query Service API that facilitates the scanning and processing of large data sets (millions of rows of data) and the ability to write results as new data sets to the Data Lake. Batch queries can be scheduled.
  • Compute Hours means a measure of the amount of time taken by the Query Service engines to read, process and write data back into the Data Lake when a batch query is executed.
  • Overusage Rate means the Overusage Rate set forth in the Adobe Products and Services Pricing Detail Table of the applicable Sales Order, and is intentionally undefined. However, if Customer’s use during the then-current 12-month period of the License Term expands 5% beyond the Compute Hours scoped for the then-current 12-month period, Customer agrees to work with Adobe to re-scope and price Customer’s entitlement for the remainder of the License Term (the “Rescoped Entitlement”). Customer may negotiate within 30 days of receiving the Rescoped Entitlement, or the Rescoped Entitlement will go into effect after 30 days from the remainder of the License Term.
  • Query Service means a service in Adobe Experience Platform that facilitates Customer's use of standard SQL to query and process data in Adobe Experience Platform. Query Service is a Shared Feature.
  • Query Service User means any User making a PSQL connection to Query Service through the Query Service user interface in Adobe Experience Platform, an AI/ML notebook, Exerience Platform API, or any compatible external system for data analysis, data exploration or data processing.
  • Scan/Write means to import data into, scan data, or write data to any other part of the Adobe Experience Platform in conjunction with the use of Query Service (directly or indirectly).

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