How to add shapes in Photoshop | Kurzy Adobe Photoshop
Create intriguing designs with Shape layers.

What you learned: To create a shape

  1. In the Tools panel, click and hold the Rectangle tool (or whichever Shape tool is showing in your Tools panel at the moment) to view all the shape tools. Select a tool for the shape you want to draw.
  2. In the options bar, choose a Fill color and other options for your shape. These can be changed later.
  3. Hold the Shift key to avoid distorting the shape as you drag in an image to create an editable shape. This automatically creates a new shape layer in the Layers panel.
  4. Use the Move tool to move the shape into position in the image.
  5. Scale, transform, or rotate a shape without harming its image quality by choosing Edit > Free Transform or pressing Control+T (Windows) or Command+T (macOS).
  6. To change the color of a shape, go to the Layers panel, find the shape layer you want to change, and double-click the thumbnail on that layer to open the Color Picker. As you click colors in the Color Picker, you’ll see a live preview of the selected color on the shape. When you find a color you like, click OK to apply the new color to the shape.
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