Reusable recipient groups


Reusable recipient groups allow users to create persistent recipient groups that can be used when composing an agreement on the Send page or when designing a custom send workflow in the Custom Workflow Designer.

These recipient groups can be created using up to 100 recipient email addresses and stored either as a private recipient group or created to be managed (owned) at the group or account level (depending on the authority level of the creator).


Recipient Groups must be enabled before the option to use them is exposed on the Send page.

How it's used

Reusable recipient groups can be created and shared based on the user's authority level in the Acrobat Sign environment:

  • Non-admin users can only create private (user-managed) recipient groups that only they can use.
  • Group-level administrators can create private recipient groups and recipient groups that can be managed by individual groups under their authority. 
  • Account-level administrators can create private recipient groups, recipient groups managed by individual groups, and recipient groups that are account-managed, making them available to all groups.

Group-managed recipient groups can only be related to one group. The relationship is strictly one-to-one.

Account-managed recipient groups always include all groups. There is no method to exclude one or more groups.

Once a recipient group is created and saved, it becomes available to use when composing an agreement and when designing (or editing) a custom send workflow.

Due to ownership permission conflicts between the recipient group and the workflow template, there are some limitations to remember:

  • A custom workflow accessible to an entire account can only use account-managed recipient groups
  • A custom workflow accessible to an entire group can use group and account-managed recipient groups
  • A custom workflow accessible to an individual user can use user, group, and account-managed recipient groups

Add reusable recipient groups to your agreements:



Reusable recipient groups are available for the Acrobat Sign Solutions license plan only.

Configuration scope:

The feature is enabled by default for all users in Acrobat Sign Solutions licensed accounts.

This feature can be accessed by selecting your avatar icon at the top-right corner of the window, choosing the Profile Settings option in the menu, and selecting the Address Book tab in the left rail of options.

Create a new reusable recipient group

  1. Navigate to the Address Book in your Profile section.

    The Recipient Group page with the avatar menu open,  highlighting the Profile Settings option and the Address book menu

  2. Select the Add Recipient Group button.

    The empty recipient group page with the Add Recipient Group button highlighted

  3. Configure the recipient group with the following:

    • Recipient group name - The name that is exposed and searchable when selecting a recipient group in the custom workflow designer.
    • Who owns this group - The object that owns the recipient group after it is saved. The options available are dependent on the authority level of the user creating the group.
      • Non-admin users see only the Only you option.
      • Group-level admins see the Only you option and a list of the groups where they have admin authority.
      • Account-level admins see the Only you option, the Entire Organization option, and a list of all groups in the account.

    Who owns the group can not be changed once the group has been saved.

    The expanded configuration panel showing all options for an account administrator

  4. Once the recipient group is saved, the group membership page is displayed, showing that there are no group members yet.

    To add members to the group, select the Add Member button and enter the email addresses that should be included in the recipient group.

    The empty recipient group page with the Add group member panel exposed


    Members added to the recipient group do not need to be users in your account or recipients in your address book. Any email is valid.

  5. When all recipients are added, the recipient group page displays:

    • The recipient group name
    • The recipient group owner
    • The last modified date
    • The list of members in the group
    A fully configured recipient group

    Individual users can be deleted by selecting the ellipsis to the right of the recipient name.

Searching reusable recipient groups

The search feature for recipients allows for searching either for a recipient group name or a member recipient's email.

Once a value is entered into the search bar, the results are returned. By default, All results are returned, but you can filter the results either by the group name or the user's email, depending on what you search for.

The search result with all options showing.


The search string only matches from the first character. Matches found in the middle of the string are not returned. For example, you can not search for the email domain (caseyjones.dom) and get results.

Things to know

Individual group members can be removed from the group by selecting the ellipsis to the right of the member name and selecting the Delete option.

When challenged, select Delete.


The name of the recipient group can be changed by selecting the ellipsis next to the Add Member button and selecting the Edit Settings option.

Edit the name and select Save.


The recipient group can be deleted by selecting the ellipsis next to the Add Member button and selecting the Delete recipient group option.

When challenged, select Delete.


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