Agreement report charts and data exports

Overview of Data Exports and Report Charts

The new Reports experience empowers users in the enterprise and business tiers of service to build, save, and manage their own custom reports and data exports in a personalized view.

Reports are templates that return one or more graphs with a summary of the agreement data as defined by the user. The number and type of reports available to the user are dictated by the user's authority level in the system and the permission scope applied to their userID.

Data exports provide a method for users to extract specific field data from the agreements within their authority scope. Users can apply filters to focus the returned data set by user, group, workflow, or agreement name.

Within the set of agreements filtered, the user can define the individual fields to be exported into a CSV file, decluttering the export from any transactional data they don't need.

Example data export

Report types include:

  • Agreements (All users) - Agreement reports return the metrics for agreement activity such as completion rates,  time to complete, workflow usage, volume trends, and sender/group trends. There are eleven Agreement charts.
  • Transaction consumption (In development) - Returns the transaction volume through the system by user, group, workflow, or overall volume trend. There are four Transaction Consumption charts.
  • Users (In development) - User reports focus on the user metrics such as users/groups created, user/group growth trends, and user activity. There are six User charts.

The Transaction and Users report types are included in this documentation for awareness, but are currently under development and not available in the current release.

Example report charts

The default dashboard (Overview)

When the new Reports experience is first opened, the default dashboard is loaded.

The dashboard automatically loads an overview of the agreement traffic from the previous seven days containing a summary at the top, and three charts displaying the percentage of agreements completed, the total agreement volume trend, and the average time for an agreement to complete.

Default landing page

Filtering for Exports and Reports

Most accounts generate enough volume to require limiting the agreement dataset to return only the values for a select time frame, event, or workstream.

Both exports and reports use the same primary filtering system to limit the number of agreements being included in the returned dataset.

You can limit the dataset by:

  • Date Range - Limits the returned data set to a time box based on the Creation Date of the agreement
  • Workstream filters - Limits the returned data set based on known workstream values relative to the agreement.
    • If no filter is selected, all agreements within the data range are returned.
    • Workstream filters are additive. All agreements that fit any one (or more) of the filters are included in the returned dataset.
    • The filtering categories are:
      • Sender - Filtering based on the sending users in your account
      • Workflow - Filters based on the workflow used to send the agreement
      • Agreement Name - Filter on the name of the agreements. Good for agreements from web forms and other sources that use a common agreement name
      • Group - Filtering agreements based on the group(s) they were sent from
Date and object filters

When selected, workstream filters expose a sub-filter to allow the user to explicitly select from values within that filter type known to the user (using a multi-select drop-down list).

The user can type a string into the field to produce a list of values that match.

Multiple values can be selected.

Object sub-filters

Data Exports

Data exports are available to all users and allows for the field-level export of agreement data.

Each Export is a static download of the data available at the time the export is created. To update the data in an Export, the data must be refreshed first.

Exports can be created to retrieve data in the context of Agreements, transaction consumption, and User.

The field data exported is selected explicitly at the time the Export is created and can be edited at any time.

Report Charts

The availability of report charts is dependent on the users' authority level in the Acrobat Sign system.

Currently available charts:

  • Eleven Agreement charts
In development:
  • Four Transaction Consumption charts
  • Six User charts
Report Type Chart
Users Group Admins Account Admins
Agreement Agreements completed Yes Yes Yes
Agreement Average time to complete Yes Yes Yes
Agreement Agreements by workflow Yes Yes Yes
Agreement Agreement completion by workflow Yes Yes Yes
Agreement Time to complete trend Yes Yes Yes
Agreement Agreement volume trend Yes Yes Yes
Agreement Agreement completed time Yes Yes Yes
Agreement Agreements by sender No* Yes Yes
Agreement Agreement completion by sender No* Yes Yes
Agreement Agreements by group No** No** Yes
Agreement Agreement completion by group No** No** Yes
In development
Transaction Consumption Transaction volume trend No** No** Yes
Transaction Consumption Transactions by sender No** No** Yes
Transaction Consumption Transactions by group No** No** Yes
Transaction Consumption Transactions by workflow No** No** Yes
Users Users created per day No No Yes
Users Groups created per day No No Yes
Users Total users over time No No Yes
Users Total groups over time No No Yes
Users Unique senders per day No No Yes
Users User login activity No No Yes

*These reports are enabled if the user is granted access to the data from groups they are a member of.

** These reports are enabled if the user is granted access to the data for the whole account.

Chart format

All charts are built with the same layout and functionality:

  1. The name of the saved chart is displayed at the top
  2. The filters currently applied to the generate the chart as shown. All of the filters can be edited:
    • All Charts - Dictates the chart(s) displayed. One or more charts can be added, and the original can be removed.
    • Date range - The date scope for the agreements used to generate the chart can be updated.
    • Filters - Add or change the filter for Worflow, Sender, Agreement name or Group.
  3. The numerical summary of agreements based on status.
  4. The graphical chart.
  5. Table data -  Allows access to:
    • View the chart details - A larger view of only the chart itself.
    • View data table - A table based representation of the chart.
    • View raw data - A table listing of the individual agreements used to generate the chart.

Editing and saving an existing report does not allow the report to be renamed under the new configuration.

If you want to create a new variant of a report, Duplicate the report first, and name the duplicate in accordance with the nature of the new report.

Chart layout

Bar, Line, and Scatter graphs provide details when the pointer hovers over a chart data element.

Graph data elements

Agreement chart examples

Transaction Consumption chart examples (In development)

User chart examples (In development)

Creating Exports

Data exports allow for the data mining of completed agreements without having to sift through columns of data that aren't meaningful to your needs at the moment.

This is where applying a useful Name value to your fields pays off.

To create a new data export:

  1. Click New Export

  2. Select the data export type.

    Data Export Type

  3. Define your filters:

    • Select a date range for the export (evaluated based on the Last Modified date of the agreement).
    • Optionally add one or more workstream filters to limit the data set to only targeted agreements.
      • If no filters are selected, all agreement data within the selected date range are returned.
  4. When the filter is properly configured, click Select columns in the upper-right corner of the window

    Configure export filters

  5. Select the fields that you want to export to the CSV

    • Each field selected is a column on the table
    • Each row of the table represents one recipient record
      • Agreements with multiple recipients may have multiple rows.

    The available fields are listed under four categories:

    • Agreement - Fields germane to the agreement transaction
      • Agreement external ID - External IDs are added via API or integration.
      • Agreement status - Complete, In Progress, Expired, etc
      • Agreement name - The name provided for the agreement when it was created
      • Agreement Id - The internal Acrobat Sign ID assigned to the transaction.
      • Created Date - The time/date stamp of when the agreement was created
      • Transaction Date -
      • Last Event Date - The last time the agreement was modified
      • Workflow - The ID number for the workflow used to send the agreement
      • Type - The type of template used to create the agreement
    • Signer - Fields relevant to the recipients of the agreement
      • Signer first name - The first name value as input by the recipient
      • Signer last name - The last name value as input by the recipient
      • Signer email - The email value of the recipient
      • Signer account -  the accountID of the recipient (if one exists)
    • Sender
      • Sender first name - The first name of the sending user
      • Sender last name - The last name of the sending user
      • Sender email - The email address of the sending user
      • Sender account - The accountID of the sending user
    • Form Field - These are the custom fields authored on the agreements.
    Select fields

    To add fields to your exported dataset:

    • Select a category and single-click a field to select it
    • Click the Add link at the top of the column (or the arrow pointing to the right) to add the field to the list of returned values
      • If you need to remove a field from the returned dataset, select it with a single click and then click the Remove link at the top of the column (or click the left pointing arrow)

    The option to Select All fields is available in both columns, and selects all of the available fields in the column to move as needed.

  6. When the field-level data to export is defined, click Save.

  7. Provide a File name for the data export and click Save.

    This file name is what is used to identify the export on your Exports filter page.

    Name the export for your filter list

  8. The page refreshes to the Exports filter with the new data export at the top.

    The status colum will indicate the export is building for some amount of time.If the dataset is quite large, this could take a few seconds.

    Export building

  9. Once the export status converts to Ready,mouse over the export record, and select the Download quick action (Or select Download from the actions menu).

    Download the export

  10. Provide a File name for the downloaded CSV.

    This is the actual name of the file after it is downloaded.

    Provided a downloaded file name

  11. Click Download

    A success message displays and the CSV is downloaded to your local system.

    Download the CSV

  12. The downloaded CSV is named as defined, containing the fields selected:

    Downloaded CSV

Creating Reports

Agreement reports allow the user to create a view of agreements within a defined time frame and represented in a numerical summary table with at least one chart (the type of chart depends on the report you run).

To create a new agreement report:

  1. Select New Report

  2. Select a report type.

    Select the report type

  3. Select one or more charts for the report.  

    Click Continue.

    Select the charts

  4. Define the filters for the report.

    Click View Report.

    Define the filters

  5. The page refreshes and displays the report with the filters listed across the top.

    Click Save.

    Displayed report with filters

  6. Provide a Report name and click Save.

    This report name is what is used to identify the report on your Reports filter page.

    Save the report to your system reports record

  7. The page refreshes to the default Overview dashboard and a success message is displayed indicating the report has been saved.

    Success message

    At any time you can return to the Report filter for the report type you used and open the report to view it with current data.

    Open report

Supporting functionality

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