To allow native tweets to appear in Social reports, the following must be true:
- You have a report suite associated with a Twitter account.
- You have an active Listening Rule for the corresponding Twitter handle.
Steps to associate a report suite with a Twitter handle:
- Go to Social > Settings > Twitter Accounts > Report Suite column.
- If a Report Suite is not already selected for a given Twitter account name, select the appropriate report suite from the pop-up menu.
Steps to make sure that an active listening rule is tracking a Twitter account name:
- When you add a Twitter account into Social, a listening rule by that same name is created automatically. Choose Social > Settings > Listening Rules. Make sure that the listening rule for the corresponding Twitter account is still in the list on the Active tab. For example, if the missing tweets were natively tweeted on @adobe, look for the listening rule with display name of "@adobe."
- If there is no such listening rule on the Active tab, look for it on the Inactive tab.
- Go to Social > Settings > Listening Rules > Inactive tab.
- Click to expand the inactive rule to view the details of the rule.
- Create a listing rule with the exact same display name and ALL the same details as the original. Be sure to select to backfill data to the earliest available date, which is 28 days before the current date.
- Once the new, exact match of the original rule is saved, check reports again in a few hours or the next day.
- If native tweets still do not appear in Posts reports, contact social support and we can request a manual backfill of data from the engineering team. Although it should not be necessary, we can try to manually backfill data that did not pull in as expected as well as review the incident for other contributing factors.