Feature summary | Adobe XD (October 2022 release)

Learn about the new features and enhancements in the October 2022 release of XD.

Improved document versioning

Add descriptions to your document versions to easily identify them. Search for saved versions using names and descriptions, or timestamp and bookmark filters.

Document versioning

To learn more about managing document versions, see Manage document versions.

Accessibility enhancements

XD provides the following accessibility enhancements:

  • To rename layers easily, use Cmd+Opt+R on macOS and Ctrl+Alt+R on Windows (applicable only to the Layers panel).
  • To minimize unintentional sharing of selected artboards from the Design mode, you can now share them only after you release the mouse button on the share icon  .
Accessibility enhancements

To learn about keyboard shortcuts in XD, see Keyboard shortcuts.

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