Guidelines for sharing MP4 files

Best practices and cautions when sharing MP4 files in an Adobe Connect room.

Upload an MP4 to a room

You can upload MP4 files directly into a Share pod in an Adobe Connect room using either the Adobe Connect application or your browser.

  1. Select the Pods menu, select Share, and then select New share pod.

  2. Select Document to open the file selection dialog.

  3. Select Browse my computer and select the MP4 file on your computer.

  4. Select Open.

  5. To share the file in the Share pod, do either:

    • Select the MP4 file and then select Share to share the file in the Share pod.
    • Drag and drop your MP4 file into the Share pod.  

Handling upload issues

When uploading MP4 files to an Adobe Connect session, it is essential to understand certain limitations and recommendations to ensure smooth playback for all participants.

Adobe Connect provides alerts to notify users about potential issues with their MP4 files.

Video bitrate too high


Participants require a network with bandwidth higher than the uploaded MP4 bitrate to play videos smoothly. Videos with high bitrates demand more from participants' networks. Adobe Connect recommends using MP4 files with a bitrate of up to 2 Mbps, though it does not restrict the bitrate of uploaded videos. If an MP4 has a bitrate exceeding 2 Mbps, a warning will be displayed, which is visible only to hosts and presenters.

Warning message if the MP4 bitrate is more than 2Mbps.
Warning message if the MP4 bitrate is more than 2Mbps.


Use MP4s with upto 2 Mbps bitrate for best results.

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