Capture your signature on mobile and use it everywhere

Now with the all-new signature sync feature, you can quickly take a picture of your signature using the Adobe Acrobat Reader mobile app and use it when signing across desktop, web, and mobile devices.

When you save your signature, it’s automatically uploaded to Adobe Document Cloud in the background and synced to all your devices or apps. When you open a document for signing, the signature is downloaded in real time if it's not available locally and made available for use.

Capture your signature on mobile and use it everywhere
Capture your signature on mobile and use it everywhere

Capture your signature on mobile

You can capture a signature from your mobile camera using the Adobe Acrobat Reader mobile app, and save it to sync it across desktop, web, and other mobile devices.


Before you capture your signature, ensure that you are signed in to your Adobe Document Cloud account. (Tap the tools icon in the upper left of any view, or swipe right from the left side of your device, and then tap My Account/Sign In.)

Do the following on your iOS or Android device:

  1. Open a PDF in the Adobe Acrobat Reader mobile app, and tap anywhere in the PDF to open the menus if they are hidden.

  2. Tap and .

  3. If no signature has been previously stored on the device, tap Create Signature, or to replace an existing signature, tap Clear Saved Signature and re-tap Create Signature.

  4. Tap to use your camera to capture an image of your signature.
    (You can also Hand draw a signature or tap  to choose an image on your device.)

  5. Tap Save Signature and then tap Done.

    Capture and Save Signature
    Capture and Save Signature

    The signature is stored on your device and also synced across your desktop, web, and other mobile devices.

Use across desktop, web, and mobile

Once your signature is stored in the cloud, your experience is consistent across the desktop, the web, and all mobile apps, including Acrobat Reader, Fill & Sign, and Adobe Acrobat Sign.

For a seamless experience, simply sign in on your devices or the web. The signature is available for use whenever you get into the sign workflow from Acrobat, Acrobat Reader, the mobile apps, or the web.

