Participating in a PDF review

Review a PDF hosted in Adobe Document Cloud

If the initiator shared the PDF using the Adobe Document Cloud review service, the email invitation includes a link to the review PDF. When you click the link, the PDF opens in a web browser. You can add comments in the PDF using the commenting tools available in the browser window. No sign-in required. From the web, you can also launch Acrobat Reader or Acrobat desktop application to add comments.

You can join the review in one of the following ways:

Review a PDF hosted on SharePoint, WebDAV server, or a Network folder

When you receive an email invitation to a PDF review, the invitation typically includes the PDF as an attachment or provides a URL to the PDF. Alternatively, some invitations include a Forms Data Format (FDF) attachment. When opened, an FDF file configures your review settings and opens the PDF in Acrobat.

PDFs in a review have special features, including commenting tools and a document message bar with instructions. Use the commenting tools to add comments to the PDF and then submit them. Either publish the comments to a comment server where others can see them, or send comments as an email attachment to the review initiator.


It’s possible to receive a PDF that doesn’t include special features. If so, add your comments using tools in the Tools > Comment toolbar. Then save the PDF and send it back.

To review the PDF later, reopen it from the Tracker. Doing so ensures that your comments are added to the tracked copy of the PDF and that the initiator receives your comments. If you don’t send or publish your comments right away, save the PDF before you close it to avoid losing your comments. Until the initiator receives your comments, they appear only in your local copy of the PDF and aren’t visible to other reviewers.

