Send a PDF by email from Acrobat

You can send PDF files directly from Acrobat or Acrobat Reader using a webmail account like Gmail or Yahoo. To do so, you have to add a webmail account in Acrobat and allow access to the account while signing in from Acrobat for the first time.

Steps to send a PDF by email from Acrobat

Open the PDF in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader, and click the Send File By Email icon ( ) in the top-right corner of the toolbar.

Send your PDF file by email

In the Send by Email dialog box, do one of the following:

Set your default email accounts in Acrobat

You can add, delete, or set your desired email account as default in Acrobat.

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences (Windows), or Acrobat > Preferences (macOS).

  2. Choose Email Accounts in the left pane of the Preferences window. Do any of the following tasks:

    • Set default email account: Choose an email account, and click Make Default.
    • Delete an email account: Choose an email account, and click Delete.
    • Add account: Click Add Account and enter the required information when prompted.
    Add, delete, or set an email account as default

  3. Click OK.

