Guidelines for sharing Captivate content

Best practices and limitations when sharing Adobe Captivate content in Adobe Connect meeting room.

Adobe recommends uploading hybrid Captivate content in Adobe Connect so that it is visible to both HTML and Flash clients and users.

Ways to improve Captivate performance

  • Keep captures short; try to divide longer sections into segments under two minutes each.
  • If you want audio, then set compression values to lowest audio quality.
  • Eliminate audio, which is one of the heaviest parts of the download. Narrate it yourself during the meeting.
  • Lower JPEG image quality.

Limitations and known issues of Captivate content support

  • Captivate does not support interactive videos in the Flash and hybrid content publish workflows. If you publish interactive videos as hybrid content, all slides, except non-supported slides are published and a warning message for unpublished content is displayed.
  • Publishing content from Captivate 8 and lower versions is not supported. 
  • If a Host shares Captivate 11 content in sync mode and an HTML client participant is able to see the Captivate playbar and navigate through the content, a playbar appears when the participant enters the room. 
  • Captivate content does not play automatically for participants entering the meeting even when sync is on.
  • When an HTML participant clicks a hyperlink, a Captivate warning appears although the hyperlink opens in the Edge browser. 


